Static Names for Dynamic IP

Contents and Overview page.



The familiar internet domain naming convention (e.g. works by having a computer service (DNS) which knows that is the equivalent of When your computer wants to talk to Geocities, it asks a DNS which ip address corresponds to Geocities, and uses the answer it receives for the conversation.

In theory anyone can register a domain name, all you need to do is cough up some cash, tell the domain registration service the address of the DNS for your domain, and point the DNS at your server.

These days many, if not most, ISPs automatically allocate their customers an internet address for their use on the internet which is theirs only for the current login.

Once the customer disconnects, the address goes back into a pool & is allocated to another user. Even if the customer dials back immediately, they probably receive a different address when they reconnect.

Most DNS services require the server to have a fixed address, and when your ISP gives you a dynamic IP address, you have problems. It is these problems which the dynamic services are set up to resolve.

Each of these services registers users in a database, and whenever the user's PC connects to the internet it sends a message to the service saying "Hi, I'm at". The service then arranges for computers trying to find you to be given your current address.


This page had it's genesis in my search for a host who could link my registered domain name ( with my ever changing IP address. I hope the information is of use to you.

As far as possible I have gathered correct information from the various services' web pages. Obviously you should check with the original pages for any updated information before signing up for any of the services. If I've made any mistakes, please email me.

Links to other Sites

Other than the sites of service providers there don't seem to be many sites interested in this subject. If you know any, please email me and I'll include them here.

  • Dynamic DNS -'s description of how Dynamic DNS works, together with a list of providers.
  • Open Directory Project - Netscape's directory page for address management servers. Some Dynamic DNS providers are listed here along with more traditional DNS services and software suites.

Bruce Clement


Last Modified: 2000-05-20

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