While pondering whether or not its time for a total face-lift for this site I will add an update here and there as after checking this site out for myself Im amazed at how much has changed since I did this..well it has been five! years since I started...guess things change over that much time. So well I decide whether I have the time to get re-addicted you will have to continue to suffer through this old out of date site. Sorry :-)
Just popped back to check out how outdated this all is,(last time I was here it had only been 5! years since I made this site now it has been NINE! years...what the?!?
Again not here to update just to say Hi, is now 2007 and my 'babies' are no longer babies! Chris is 19, Jamie is 16 and Steph is 12.. how did that happen?
Anyhow have fun visiting and hope this little piece of internet webspace amuses you for a little while, catch you later.... :-)
Hi, my name is Karen, I live in Christchurch, New Zealand.
I have three children(my little kiwis) and I have included my favorite pics of my baby on her 3rd birthday :-) and yes a (outdated) pic of myself although still not sure why.
One more update while i ponder the relavance of making a new improved site.. Since I was last here alot has changed, yes I know I have said that before but thats life..mine anyhow, change is something I hate but seem to keep having to deal with!!
Its now 2003 and I just want to say that once again so many changes.. but i have decided not to update as I will only have to come back and change it again!! :-)
This time I will just say that even tho life keeps changing and you never know what tomorrow will bring.. good and bad! I am so enjoying the journey :-)
So I leave you all to feel slightly ill as I let the world know what a happy little existence I have on and offline and how wonderful my children are, and... are u all still there??? :-Þ
OK OK I stop now, carry on if you feel you are up to it :-)
I also have a cat (Cassie) and some fish who shall remain nameless..because they dont have any LOL:-)
My children were interested in the net and home-pages also...not my doing I'm sure. But here are the pages we made together some time ago when we were all net addicts, starting withStephanee, the others never finished theirs before they lost interest..well here they are anyhow Chris had a lot of input into his page at the time, I think he was 10
NOW Jamies page is not even close to finished but we had a very special reason to get it up for you to see...go check it out! Jamie is now 10, who would guess that would happen? LOL Still all three of their pages will always be special to them even if they no longer have an interest in their progressing :-)
Oh the background stuff...hmmm well I grew up here in Christchurch, and as yet havent been out of New Zealand (working
on that..have lots of places to stay now...heheh).
Well thats changed..I have been to Canada and ended up staying in a hotel..whats with that???? LOL
I have four
brothers and two sisters who except for two brothers all still live in Christchurch and my father lives here in Christchurch also.
Oh and yes the secret is out, I am a closet Cliff Richard fan (well am out now LOL)
...hope everyone will still talk to me...could be worse (might like Barry Manilow or the
Bee Gees ROFL). So if you are brave enough go check out my Cliff sites! Also have included some cool NZ links, so come visit and learn a bit about my place.. (then start saving because you won't be able to resist the BEST country in the world)..my opinion of course :-)

If I can just add here while you are riveted with all this soooo interesting stuff...please ... SIGN MY GUESTBOOK not that I would go to the lengths of grovelling and begging of course...you were going to do so anyhow..right? LOL But I love to see who has been and why they stayed long enough to read this far :-)

my favourite NEW chat site
Cliff Richard Site
more Cliff Richard
Visit New Zealand
Another Kiwi Connection
My interests at the moment would be, in no particular order....ICQ!!!!!!, photography, music, family and my friends.
Speaking of which (and there are many to list) Have to mention all
my great buddies that I meet in PF, Lakat, Mooo, Takuwind, Duckie, Roady,
Caregiver, Stan, Branco, Denden, Mckraut, Tigg, Gigi, Ivan,
Kathrin (aka Kathy Wathy), and of course JAZMYNN, Thoranek, Kevin, Spyder, Franken (thanks for sharing your lunch with me), Lor_master(my very first online friend), BB (who I will always be grateful to for nagging me to get ICQ),Sheridan, Youngone, Rach, Johnrob, Arj, Warspite, B_line & Ray.
And not forgetting my neighbour (go check out his home)Madhungarian
(haha, last but certainly NOT least)!..as if I could forget you! :-)
Have to start now by adding pics of my extended (cyber) family, course will have to go get them first..but little bro has been bugging me to add his lovely face to my site so here ya go Deathknight..hope you feel better now :-)
Also to my not PF friends Flash
(who also has a cool site worth a look)
, Harry (sorry bout the Bee Gees comment), Kahlua, and of course my email buddy Daniel. Don't want to forget you either!
All those who have not been listed yell at me and I will add you I promise..humble apologies....:-)
Hmmmmm..just got yelled at..have to add just a couple more names to the list, my South Island pals (on-line and off) Mischief and Quetzel who have just started bugging me big time where ever I seem to go...they find me..hope that dont mean I have to start behaving...hehe
OK just one new page, that all you Kiwis have to go see...have developed just a small interest in Rugby just lately :-) of course this means I have to give the Canterbury Crusaders a small plug...go see...
Also a VERY special mention to CAREGIVER for all the help she has given me to get this site the way I wanted it to be...and for the ongoing help and support...Thank you!

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