Welcome to our homepage
You are probably here because you were visiting the Madingley site and hit the home key
Ah well, stay a while now you're here...
We're Ian and Jacki
until we decide how to revamp this page we have removed most of it
Something new is required for the new millenium
all it requires is inspiration!!!
However, it might be worthwhile just to sumarise what it was all about originally - Jacki and I met by pure fluke one day in July 1997, when I stumbled over an e-mail on the net. We managed to IRC one another for 7 hours on the first day and 5 hours the next. After that neither of us were available on the net and so we reverted to phone calls and snail-mail.
Seven months later I flew to Australia to meet Jacki and we decided that everything was indeed as good as it seemed and so we decided to get married. The original plan was for the wedding to be 2 years later, so we both re-established a net connection and set this site up to act as our own virtual home whilst we were seperated by half a world. However, life is too short for that sort of delay, so we revised our plans and got married in March 1998 in beautiful Perth, Western Australia.
Following our return to the UK we laid out the whole story on here, as a kind of inspiration and source of encouragement to others who were in the same boat as us. It seemed to work and numerous kind folks left messages in our guestbook. However, there was also another web project which I had got involved with - The Madingley Memorial - and as the number of visitors to that grew, so it took up more of my time.
We felt our detailed story had served its purpose and so we have removed most of the pages relating to it.
Although the pages are gone, we are still here, so if anyone out there is involved in an internet relationship and would like to contact us to discuss the good bits and the bad bits of this 21st Century courtship medium, then please email us.
--links to other places--
[The Madingley American Cemetery Pages]
[Her Home Town]
[His Home Town]
[Dragon Boating]
[The Kids]
[Courage is...]
So far visitors have stopped by since 22 Feb 98
Should you wish to contact us then either Email us at Ian and Jacki or sign our guestbook...