Window-seat Neath the Sun

Some day, if I should ever lose you,
will you be able then to go to sleep, without
me softly whispering above you
like night air stirring in the linden tree?-RM Rilke
Look!! my nephew..Jayan..isn't he cute??? this is in India before my cousin Miti's wedding. He was born on 2/15/01 in NYC 19.75 inches, 6lbs 3 oz.

go to WinterLights for some thoughts on love and friendship! Winter Lights a little about me.... If you have to ask..... Steppin out tonight..... Dramarama My Passion...Poetry(coming soon!) The Balcony NEW!! An update to what I've been reading or plays I've been seeing- Seeing Ear

Links to other sites on the Web (always under construction!)

Gourmet and Bon Appetit on the web...haute recipes!
NETIP- San Francisco...I was Social Director last year!
So happy it hurts....(you know what I mean...don't you???) <

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