Let Peace Flow, And Let Love Grow.

Hi I'm stems.
I signed up on 02/17/98 20:24:42, Welcome! Come in and sit down and I'll endeavor to remove your frown.Please share your thoughts and dreams with me. My interests are:
Reading & Romance.

My real name is Karen Patrice McDonald. I'm 5'8 Tall, single, African American female. I sport a short, blonde faded cut. Bright brown eyes,and a winning personality.I share my life with my three rugrats, Kymberlie aka Pudge, Christian aka Mayonnaise, and Najee aka Booooooogy lol. I enjoy putting people at ease in my world, so feel free! The description of my page is:
No Worries, No Stress
Just Peace and Lovliness

Email me at ladystems@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit us.

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comics, MTV online, People Mag.
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