But the fruit of the Spirit is love, |
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Let this day be a reflection of
A friend is a faithful source of strength
once you have found one,
you have found a treasure.
A Special Award from two very special individuals. Thank you James and Necie The Greatest Love Songs for your special friendship.
as a messenger of GOD, and assigned to individual persons. Angels often have names, such as, Michael, Gabriel Raphael and Uriel. Classification of the following nine ranks are (beginning with the lowest) ...angels...archangels...principalities...powers virtues...dominations...thrones...cherubims...and seraphims. Angels announced Christ's birth (Luke 2) and resurrection (Matt. 28). |
and hear the gentle whisper of an angel's wings in flight. Look, far into the sky and see the shimmering stardust left behind. --Inspirational Greeting |
and His love very often sends His angels down to walk with us we know them best as "friends."
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