fiction illustration
  Penny Hunt  / illustrator
I have worked as an illustrator, art director and creative director in Cape Town, London and Auckland with over twenty years experience. I was co-director of Padash Creative until 1997 and prior to that worked for local & international advertising and design studios such as:
J Walter Thompson, Ted Bates, Central Advertising & Way Out West Creative.
Since 1997 I have been freelancing in Auckland  as an illustrator & graphic designer well versed in computer skills.

Some of the accounts I have worked on include Diners Club, British Airways, Johnson & Johnson, BHP, Penfolds Wines, Elizabeth Arden, Welcome Laboratories, Wella Hair Products, BP, First Choice (Woolworths), RNZ Foundation for The Blind, & Hubbards Breakfast Cereals.

Click on link to see my illustrations.
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