The home page of Marti Ann Noel

You are #[Aaddzz Counter]since 11/08/98


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Poetry is Divine
I love poetry and hopefully you do too. I will post anyone's poem in this special section. I also have links to many poetry and writing orientated sites. Give them all a try!

Follow Melissa Mouse
She will take you to my bio.
But I warn you, it is a bit messy in there.....can you blam her? That's where she lives! :-)

The Angel of Hope prays for all RSD sufferers
Hope will take to you my RSD directory
RSD stands for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
I have this disease and so do many other people. It is a terriable disease that there is no cure for. Inside I have more than just my RSD story, I have links to informative sites, and links to sites with other RSD sufferers stories.
Go on in and find out more about this terriable disease.

Joseph loves jokes and Irish beer
Follow him if you want to laugh
Joseph is my joke collecter....there are some good jokes inside but they are kinda old. Could you send him a few new ones?
Send your jokes to and put jokes in the subject line. ;-) Thanks a bunch!

My friends links
& Places that I love to go
& the places where I got my graphics

Do you like my awards???

Here are my web rings!!! Go visit other peoples sites!!!


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site is owned by Marti Ann Noel.

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