Homework Calendars 2001-2002


Course Calendars and games

Spanish 1 Calendario
Spanish 2 Calendario
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Prof. Long's Classroom Policies

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Supplies you'll need, and some suggestions

Supplies you need:

Of course, the textbook and workbook for the course are necessary for good language learning.

You'll also need a three-section spiral notebook with 3 pockets--I give out lots of study sheets and other activity pages that you'll need to keep for notebook quizzes.

Also--homework is done on standard-sized loose-leaf paper, not on spiral paper, nor on smaller sheets of paper, such as stationery.

You may do any homework, quiz or test in pen or pencil--choose whichever writing instrument you do your neatest work in. Suggestion--throw-away mechanical pencils that have erasers. You may also use the pen-style white-out, but not the bottle kind.

Also: a Spanish-English pocket dictionary available in the school bookstore.

Suggestions: There are several good books on English grammar geared for the foreign language learner. If you don't know an adjective from an adverb, you may need this extra help. Also, there will be several intense map projects, so access to a good all-round atlas (book or CDROM) will be beneficial. (You may have to go to a library for this! Gasp!)

These are some suggested titles that might make language learning easier or more fun, many at a substantial savings over bookstore prices.  Just click on the title, and the link takes you to a detailed description of the book -- then follow the instructions to order the book from amazon.com. (Some of these are available at local bookstores, but probably not at these prices.)


A great hardcover, totally comprehensive dictionary. More than the student needs

The best pocket dictionary available for beginning students. And cheap!

You've seen this type of book before! Great advice on language learning.

Card game for learning Spanish! Fun!

Also: English Grammar for Students of Spanish : The Study Guide for Those Learning Spanish by Emily Spinelli. Explains all those things like nouns, adjectives, subordinate clauses. Great!  


Most comprehensive dictionary.

Pocket dictionary by the best and oldest polyglot dictionary company.

Another good buy for a pocket dictionary.

You're probably familiar with this kind of book for computers. Good advice on language learning.

If you have trouble with verb conjugations.

For some extra fun exercises.

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Comments and Suggestions

Please send me mail if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

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Copyright © Pamela H. Long 2001
This page was last updated Monday, August 12, 1996