Homework Calendars 2001-2002
- Check out the new games page where you can
test your knowledge and have a little fun at the same
Parents: All the sites on these pages are
totally family-friendly!!

- The most important goal this year will be to become aware
of language, and how languages reflect and influence the
peoples who speak them. Therefore, an open mind is your
most important study aid. Leave stereotypes at home!
- Respect for your classmates is not only a classroom
policy, it's a Christian mandate. If you disrupt the
classroom with inappropriate conversation, activities or
possessions, you will be removed from the classroom and
you may suffer other consequences. Inappropriate
conversations are the most disruptive because they keep
you and your classmates from the one most important
activity in the foreign language classroom: LISTENING.
- In order to keep you and your classmates focused on
foreign language learning, these are the only appropriate
items on your desktop: a pen or pencil, a spiral-bound
notebook for notetaking, your textbook. These items MUST
be on your desk before prayer, however.
- Please take note: you will be given a ZERO for the day if
you do not have on your desk by prayer time
your textbook, your language notebook and a pen or pencil.
If you need eyeglasses, they must be ON YOUR FACE.
- There are certain items that must never appear in the
foreign language classroom, or they will be confiscated.
They include, but are not limited to: cosmetics, grooming
items (including lip gloss or chap stick); combs or
brushes; toys; CDs; electronic devices; any other item
that may distract you from language learning. They will not
be returned unless I get a note from a parent.
- Classroom time is not "run to my locker" time
nor "potty" time. Take care of these important
needs BEFORE you come to my class. "I forgot to go
to my locker" will not be an excuse for not having
your textbook, notebook or pen/pencil in class. You'll
still get a zero for the day.
- Incomplete homework, or homework not handed in on the
assigned day, will not get full credit. You must attempt
every sentence of every section to get full credit.
- You will always know a month in advance when your quizzes,
labs and tests are. It is not the teacher's
responsibility to remind the student that he or she has
missed work--it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to
arrange a makeup time, and work must be made up within 1
week or the grade will be a zero.
- Students shall be completely dressed and behaving in
ladylike and gentlemanly manners in my classroom. No
sitting Indian-style, no removing shoes, no unbuttoning
garments, no arranging hair, no applying makeup, no
sleeping on the desks.
- The quarter grade will be calculated in the following
manner: 45 percent tests and projects, 35 percent quizzes,
10 percent homework, 10 percent daily class participation.
Supplies you need:
Of course, the textbook and workbook for the
course are necessary for good language learning.
You'll also need a three-section spiral notebook
with 3 pockets--I give out lots of study sheets and other
activity pages that you'll need to keep for notebook quizzes.
Also--homework is done on standard-sized loose-leaf
paper, not on spiral paper, nor on smaller sheets of
paper, such as stationery.
You may do any homework, quiz or test in pen or pencil--choose
whichever writing instrument you do your neatest work in.
Suggestion--throw-away mechanical pencils that have erasers. You
may also use the pen-style white-out, but not
the bottle kind.
Also: a Spanish-English pocket dictionary
available in the school bookstore.
Suggestions: There are several good books on
English grammar geared for the foreign language learner. If you
don't know an adjective from an adverb, you may need this extra
help. Also, there will be several intense map projects, so access
to a good all-round atlas (book or CDROM) will be beneficial. (You
may have to go to a library for this! Gasp!)
These are some suggested titles that might make language
learning easier or more fun, many at a substantial savings over
bookstore prices. Just click on the title, and the link
takes you to a detailed description of the book -- then follow
the instructions to order the book from amazon.com. (Some
of these are available at local bookstores, but probably not at
these prices.)
Most comprehensive dictionary.
Pocket dictionary by the best and oldest polyglot
dictionary company.
Another good buy for a pocket
You're probably familiar with this kind of book for
computers. Good advice on language learning.
If you have trouble with verb conjugations.
For some extra fun exercises.
Please send me mail
if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
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Copyright © Pamela H. Long 2001
This page was last updated Monday, August 12, 1996