Bethany's Realm

Welcome to my world. All are welcome, may you find serenity here.
My love is with you all.

In the beginning there is life, in the middle there is hell.
In the end will you have just lived or made your mark?!?


Dreams are shattered
and hope is gone
but some way and some how
life must go on

You search for help
in all directions
trying to find
some type of protection

But no one can see
the pain inside
you've buried your feelings
behind your pride

You have no where to run
no where to go
because your afraid
somebody may know

Is this how you feel
if so you are wrong
there's been someone beside you
to help you along

He's not someone you'll see
in your daily routine
but he's been there forever
you just haven't seen

The things that he's done
and the things he will do
if you open your heart
and just ask him to

I know how you feel
because I've been there too
all the time I spent thinking
"what should I do?"

The one to be asking
is the One from above
the One who's been waiting
to show you his love

The answer you'll find
has always been there
not something to search for

I dedicate this page to the hopeless, the hopeful,
and those who are full of themselves.
May you all find your true calling. Just as I finally have.
Also to the most precious gift ever given, Damien;
the ability to give life is an amazing thing.
And last, but most certainly not least,
to my Lord God, the Ultimate Life Giver,
you have blessed me more than I will ever know.

Life is the most difficult thing anyone will ever face.
Life, in itself, is more than a struggle to survive,
it is also a struggle to thrive.
In this page I will share with you my life
through my stories, and my very own "Authentically Mine" poetry.
I hope that by reading this it helps someone - somewhere.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. --- CLICK HERE.
If there is life - there is hope. --- CLICK HERE.
My Son - My Heart --- CLICK HERE.
Family Ties --- CLICK HERE.
May you find inspiraton here. --- CLICK HERE.
No Room For Abuse.--- CLICK HERE.
Closing message.

My old guest book can not be added to any more but you may view it here.

THANK YOU, André, without you this would still be a blank page.