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Oh dear - no Java!!!! Horse


This page is in Memory of Phyllis who passed away December 23rd of 1999 at the age of 59. It was a dream of hers to have a carousel and she made her own. She entered it into the Los Angeles County Fair in the summer of 1999 and she won the Blue Ribbon for first place in her category. She was very proud of that. I am very pleased that she managed to win the blue ribbon before she died, that let her know that others appreciated her work. If you knew Phyllis or just want to say how much you enjoyed the page, please send an email from below to her daughter Ginger.

My name is Phyllis. I am 58 years young, and I have 2 boys & 2 girls. I also have at this time 8 grandchildren, 6 boys & 2 girls.
I had always wanted my own little Carousel. When I was a little girl Mom took all of us to the Fair and I saw a little metal Carousel that only had two horses on it and I ask mom if I could have one. At that time she had to tell me that she could not afford it. So I never got the little Carousel I wanted.

So now I have decided to build my own. I am at present in the Veteran's Administration Hospital's wood shop program, several days a week a few hours a day. This is where I will build the frame work for my horses. I have set a goal to be completed by the end of April 1999, and with the encouragement of Johnny McClish and his wife I'm sure this will happen. Johnny and his wife have been wonderful and are true friends. I truly appreciate their encouragement and their friendship.

During this time I registered the miniature with Stene Registry and the carousel has been given the name of


My main theme is the
TRIPLE CROWN WINNERS AND THE YEARS ARE AS FOLLOW: Click on the buttons for a small history of each horse.


All should know that a Triple Crown Winner has won the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Races.

As of this date, August 1, 1998, there has not been another horse that has taken all three races.

I have a picture of the horses taken where they are being protected while I am building the frame work.
Due to being an Outpatient there is one major tool needed to do this project, and I must ask one of the volunteer's to use this and help me out. I hope to have a picture of us working on the frame as it is being completed. I have set my completion date as no later than the end of April 1999. Sooner if I work a little harder.

Well, due to unforeseen circumstances, I have missed my deadline, but give me a few more weeks... It Will be Up and Running soon. Phyllis.

Well, didn't make the April deadline, but August 20th, l999 I completed the project and have entered it in the L.A. County Fair.

These are the horse's that I worked with for the Carousel. I have worked very hard on all of them. The horses are completed by using the ceramic mold, then cleaning each one to be just a white horse and then painted to look as close to each of the winners as I could make them. I then used another nine carousel horses so the carousel has a total of 20 horses and complete with music, it is a working carousel. I am very pleased with the results. Please sign my guest book and let me know what you think. Thank you very much.


My Grandsons Page

A Taste of Home
Berni's Carousels
Realm of the Druid Princess

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Thank you Enchante!

MEMBER OF: American Carousel Society.

Thanks to Druid Princess for Background, Graphics and Design.

Thanks to William E. Black from Carousel Music for his kind permission to use his music on my site.
And thanks to Steven Cheney for his help on the page.

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