joyce's journey Introduction

Gallery 1 Native Americans

Come take

a journey

with me---->


joyce potter's

web page

"just have a good time" Through artistic creation, poetry and stories.

 Gallery 2 Native Americans

Gallery 3 Native Americans

Gallery 4 Dragons, Dragons

Gallery 5 Christmas & more

Dolls and More
New Artists



My journey began in 1980 when I created my first wrap around puppet for my daughter, Kim. She wanted a real live monkey for a pet. So I thought a monkey puppet might help. Well, she loved it and with encouragement from her and the rest of my family, I continued making all kinds of animal puppets. The first place I sold them was at the Octoberfest in Big Bear, Ca.

In 1981,Wrapps Da' Wrabbit, was born. And soon after, my daughter and I were selling at the Pasadena Toy Show.

 Baby's 'R' Forever was in Rialto, California. We sold new, handmade and used items for children from 0 to 6 years. I was the one who enjoyed sewing and making all kinds of things people would order. It was a good time in my life.


At one point I entered Valley College in San Bernardino. Besides going to classes, I got a job making costumes for the drama department. Before I knew it, I was in a play called, Stop 'The World I Want To Get Off'. [ I'm the one at the top.....hee!hee! ]

In 1981, I opened a shop called 'Baby's 'R' Forever'. This gave me an opportunity to design all kinds of children's things. After we opened, we brought Santa to Rialto. It was such a fantastic day, that the second year, we put on a Christmas Parade. The city let Santa fly over the Parade in their new helicopter. Boy! did Lenny, my brother-in law have Fun.

 The castle in the back ground and the arch I made with my handy saw. All the detail you see on them is done with colored glue sticks from Glitter Box. It's not like paint for you have a two dimensional effect.


In 1994, I entered a contest put on by Glitter International. There were 360 contestants. To my surprise I won first place, and my daughter won 3rd. This piece is called 'The World of Fantasy'. First prize was a check for $5000 which was given to me in an Info Commercial for Glitter Box. Some of you might have seen me. 

. The wizard and dragon have assorted jewels and designs were made with the multi colored glue & jewels.




 Do to illness I found myself bedridden. As you might guess my children bought me Crayons and Coloring Books and Clay. This was a true new beginning for me. So my journey continued. This is my first attempt to work with Super Sculpey. The dragon came first then the wizard.

' Santa's Day Off '

The Polymer Clay I use is Super Sculpey


Gallery 1


 Santa's Day Off , is a piece I sold at the San Diego Gift Show, in 1996, which I did with Lynn Yale. She is a fantastic cloth doll artist. The next year I entered the Show with Rebecca Schumacher. Wow! what an artist. We both love Fantasy and we both ended up making a dragon for the show. When I saw her's for the first time, I told her, that her's looked real and mine looked like a cartoon character. She laughed. They both sold and we really had great time.


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