A Place Where No One Stands Alone

God IS with you! God is Spirit, God is Pure & Holy, so pure & holy that we as humans, would literally disintegrate in His presence. That is why He sent his Son Jesus, as a covering in order for Him to be able to have contact with us without destroying us.
I liken it to a childrens story about a gentle giant who trys to pick up a tiny mouse, but because of the giants strength & power, the mouse is crushed. This saddens the giant greatly, so he devised a way to draw the mouse to him, in a protective container, so that he can become friends with the mouse and take care of it.
Please understand that you are NOT alone. I assure you if you open your mind and heart, and whisper a prayer, HE WILL hear your prayer. Give Him time to answer your prayer also. I'm praying for you.
May God strengthen & comfort you.

Psalm 84:1-12
How lovely are thy courts O God
Thy dwelling place, oh Most High.
My soul it yearns and faints for you,
my heart and my flesh cry out for Thee O Living God.
You O Lord are a sun and a shield, You show us favor
and honor. No good thing will You withhold from him who
walks with You, Almighty One. Blessed is the man who
trusts in You.
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow
a nesting place where she may feed her young.
You O Lord are a sun and a shield, You show us favor and
honor. No good thing will You withhold from him who
walks with You, Almighty One.
Blessed is the man who trusts in You.
Far better one day in Thy courts O God,
than to live for a thousand anywhere else.
For You O Lord are my sun and my shield,
You show me favor and honor.
No good thing will You withhold from me if I'll walk with You
Almighty One. Blessed is the man who trusts in You,
Almighty One.
I trust in You.

If I could only know the heartaches you have
felt, The longing for the things that never came, I
would not misconstrue your erring then,
No, Nor ever blame.

If you have learned to walk
A little more sure footedly than I,
Be patient with my stumbling then
And know that only as I do my best and try
May I attain the goal
For which we both are striving.

If through experience, your soul
Has gained heights which I
As yet in dim-lit vision see,
Hold out your hand and point the way,
Lest from its streightness I should stray,
And walk a mile with me.

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