
Hello. If you've never been here before, then welcome to my homepage. If you are the government, please go away...

This summer I've been learning all about HTML and all the nifty quirks that make building this page a pain... but really it hasn't been too hard. And if all works correctly, this page will just keep getting better and better...

But in the mean time, here are some places I enjoy visiting... One of my favorite places is the


sight for all your jello needs. Another on the same line is the


page... Spam is always good for playing with, and believe it or not, some countries consider Spam a delicacy.... hmmm....
And of course, being broke, anyhthing


is good. My guestbook should be working by now, so feel free to sign it... I like it when peope sign my book... really, I do.

My interests are:
Music, art, crafts, cooking, and lots of other stuff..

Hopefully this page will be full of all sorts of cool stuff and cool links, but in the mean time, this is pretty much it. I know, it needs some work.
Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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