In case you are interested ... you are the friend to visit my home ... Take a second to bookmark this page so you'll be able to return to it from my many fun links!
Here is a Table of Contents ... with links to pics, poems, etc. For those of you in a hurry!!!
UPDATE 2007:
Okay!! Okay!! So I haven't updated in awhile!! Yes! I am still alive!!
My business has been going very, very well. I recovered my take-home pay in 2006 and my salary in 2007! I made a DVD which you can see part of here See DVD Clip and it is selling okay ... but I really want BORDERS to take it more seriously! Working on that!
Even during this summer I have been tutoring 10-15 hours a week ... which is about perfect!
Robbie is now 6'4" tall and skinny!! He will be a senior this Fall ... Class of '08. He is driving and looking for a job for the summer. Tom is enjoying being a mortgage officer. Being on commission is a pain ... but he does like what he is doing.
I am enjoying BLOGGING and I invite you to visit and answer the Question of the Day and also to read when you have time My Education Thoughts and Opinions.
We now have a dog (Lexi) and 3 cats (Weasley, Splinter, and Yewmi). Keeker walked off into the night shortly after we got the dog and I miss him a lot. I hope he found a happy home where he is the King Pet.
UPDATE 2005:
I have decided to make a major career change. This June I will be leaving the Texas Public School System and starting a venture of my own. I have had great success as a Private Tutor in the evenings for the past 8 years. I am now starting a business offering Tutoring/HomeSchool Support for Secondary Mathematics during the day, in our home. I am very scared to give up that dependable paycheck ... but also very excited to be in control of my work hours and days ... and excited to be out from under the ever increasing restrictions and testing and blind legislation in Texas schools. Wish me luck!! My new business is called Math-MATTERS!!!
Tom is also making a career change and becoming a Mortgage Officer for First Horizon Home Loans. We are leaping off a cliff together. Ain't love Grand?? He can write mortgages anywhere in the United States ... so if you are buying a new house ... or refinancing ... throw some business our way!!
Robbie is 15 and doing well in his first year of High School. He is taking Pre-AP Math and Science classes and is enjoying reading more and more. We are very glad to see him reading!! He is nearly 6' tall now ... and a fine young man. I am very proud of him.
UPDATE 2004:
I originally built this web sit in 1998. I am now sitting down 6 years later to try to update a lot of things in it! When I started this site in 1998, I was single. I used these pages to give potential suiters a way to get to know me without having to tell my life story a million times!! It was also a very healing process to build these pages. I am married now (July 7, 2001) and very happy. Here is what is happening in my life these days!
If you were to actually step into our HOME these are some experiences you might have. You would smell vanilla and you would notice that I love candles of all shapes and sizes. Tom gave me 42 zillion vanilla candles of all shapes and sizes for our 3rd anniversary. The house smells like a cake! We also have a few Lava lamps for special effects at night sometimes. You might notice a cat, or two, or three lounging around ... we have 5 but two of them rarely come home these days ... we suspect they have other loving homes in the neighborhood.
You would hear music. I always have either my Favorite CD's playing or my radio tuned in to some local station. I have recently discovered the wonderfulness of sattelite TV and it's music stations ... so quite often I will have that on!
Out the back door you will see paradise. We have a wonderful backyard with a deck and a pool and lots of flowering plants. Here is a page with pics of how our back yard looked when we bought this place ... and how we have fixed it up!! Back Yard
Robbie seems to really like our home ... and he gets along pretty well with his step-dad. He gets to see his real dad as often as he can. Robbie lives for his PS2 and going to see friends. He also likes AIM and talks to his cousins in Illinois all the time on there. I think that is pretty cool! Here is an old pic of Robbie and Me - 1996.
I like to have plants around, although my thumb is not as green as I wish it were. I do have several survivors, though, and always have a vase of cut flowers. The view out any window shows flowers or grass or trees. We have had a lot of landscaping done in both the front and back yards. I need to update my pics ... especially of the front. It was very plain when we first moved it. Right now the Crepe Myrtles are in full bloom and are just beautiful!
Well, I used to be able to see nature behind me ... but, you know ... "Pave Paradise, put in a parking lot!" ... and a Budget Suites while you're at it! ... I still have the trees across the street, and I think the coyotes and rabbits and other creatures of nature have moved over there. Sigh ... the trees were great for 5 years ... I am glad that Robbie and I and our pets took the time to appreciate and enjoy them. And maybe the Budget Suites will have a pool we can sneak into??? Here is a page of before and after shots from behind my OLD house.
Once in our home, you would also notice clutter, if you stopped by to visit ... but, hey! ... I know where everything is! WE love Books and have bookshelves full of a wide range of literature. Classics, Poetry, Self-help, Research and History, Oprah's Reading List Books, Physics and Science Books, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Ayn Rand, C.S.Lewis,The Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, too many to list here. I have linked with Amazon Bookstore and have a reading list posted - but I am just starting work on it! Amazon will pay me 5-15% of any purchases you make on a link from my web page.
Buy a book and support a teacher! Me!!
I also have Magazines everywhere ... anywhere I might happen to sit down, there is a magazine nearby ... Time, The Bottom Line ... and my Restroom Library has many issues of Reader's Digest and Prevention Magazine.
My dear friend and ex-student, Caroline, has contributed greatly to my collection of snow-globes. I always have one nearby - along with many other "toys" that involve oozing oils or various other liquids, color, and glitter. Caroline is one of my soul-friends. She sends me snow-globes when she travels! She is now 21 ... married ... in college ... working ... and a dear friend!! She is an example of the type of student I teach and love.
You may have noticed that I am fond of quoting Desiderata. It is a favorite poem of mine and one I keep trying to remember as I go through my days and my life. I have used it as a Christmas Card once, as a graduation gift to my students, and now as a hot-link on my web page!
I have received a copy of one of those emails that gets forwarded and forwarded and forwarded because it is so good. Also because it is too long to retype. It is called Life's Lessons and I've received it several times and printed it out each time. I decided to put it here so I'll always be able to access it ... and it is prettier here than on white computer paper! Life's Lessons
I also have a love for the song THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL and felt the lyrics belonged in this page, too!
And here is a new page full of things I have gleaned from emails I have enjoyed My Feelings on several topics ...
And then there's Keeker! My 20 lb. tabby cat. He is a sweety and seems to have a great life! He is always happy to curl-up with me when it's nap time. He actually takes more naps than I do! But I'm working on matching him! It's a cat's life!
And recently we have added to our pets with a new hamster named TAZ and a new kitten named Boxer. Boxer adds a lot of energy to the house! He and Robbie wear each other out playing tag. Boxer was a gift from my friend Ren - and we really thank him for this sweet kitty.
Here are some pet pics!
And the focus of most my attention lately is my computer. I was a big fan of the Yahoo Personal Ad's and made some great friends through them. I love getting e-mail, so write me!
I seem to have a gift for teaching the lower-level Math classes to the type of student who "hears a different drummer". I spent 4.5 years w/LISD teaching this type of student and I really did enjoy it. I do so love to teach ... it seems to be my calling in life. This is a story I like to use when explaining why we need Alternative Educational settings ... it has a good moral!
UPDATE 1999:
I am now teaching at The Colony High School ... still with LISD. I am teaching Algebra II and really enjoying the students there. The drive is a pain ... Dallas area traffic, and all. But the students and the faculty seem to be worth it!
UPDATE 2000:
I am dating a really nice man lately. His name is Tom and if you click on his name you can see what he looks like!! He is as sweet as he looks. Not a tiny guy, either ... I like standing next to him ... makes me feel small! Tom lives and works in Dallas ... and yes, I met him online. My family likes him ... he bravely went home with me over Easter ... and his family seems to like me. So things are going well on the relationship side of my life. I am glad.
UPDATE 2001:
Tom and I got engaged in January and we were married in July ... July 7, 2001 to be exact! We got married at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas ... what a great venue! We then had an awesome honeymoon in Jamaica. Here is a link to pics from our wedding and honeymoon. It was a great time! To best enjoy the pics ... click on the Slideshow option. Let me know what you think!
UPDATE 2002:
Tom and I bought a home in Lewisville not too far from my old place. It has is a 4/2.5 with a pool. Two Story ... which neither of us wanted, but it is working out okay! We are loving the place, actually. Good neighborhood ... very quiet. We have had a lot of work done to the back yard ... put in a nice new deck and some landscaping ... and I have spent most of my summer outside on the deck or in the pool. It is very relaxing out there. You can see before and after shots of our new deck here.
I am still teaching at The Colony High School ... but seem to be given more and more difficult classes to teach ... difficult meaning in handling the students ... this Fall I get to teach 2 sections of
Geometry and 1 section of Algebra I. I haven't taught Algebra I since 1990 ... and I haven't missed it, either. I guess, once again, that I will do the best job I know how ... and Gee ... maybe I'll be rewarded with even more sections of Algebra I next year!
Robbie will be 13 soon and is going to start football this Fall. All of his friends are going to the new Middle School opening this Fall so he is feeling kinda lonely ... but ... he did very well last year in 6th grade ... made all A's for the first time in his schooling ... which made him very happy. He is a very nice young man, and I am very proud of him.
This is a work in progress ... more later!
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A Poem by Maya Angelou - It makes me feel wonderful!
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