A Tartar who is Saucy by name and Saucy by nature

Hello.. I'm Jinghiz, but I am more commonly known as Nabil Shaban.
Why am I "Jinghiz"? Well, there is a family tradition that we are directly descended from
Genghiz Khan....Jinghiz was another name for this great Mongol conqueror....
Incidentally, Genghiz Khan's ancestral spirit animal was the Blue Wolf...
which happens to be MY favourite animal....
I have recently discovered through Native American Medicine cards that the Totem Animal on my rightside is the Wolf....as you can imagine, this made me very happy.

This is me and my "Spirit Animal" - (I'm the one on the right!)

I'm an Aquarian and I was born in the year of the Dragon.

My interests are
Philosophy, Religion, Mysticism, Occult
Esoterica, Exotica and Erotica
Psychology, Sociology, Politics, History
Sciences, Geography, Travelling, People
Art, Theatre, non-Hollywood Movies
I enjoy writing, painting, computer-art...

I love animals...and all things Gaia

“You people of the West are in big trouble”, said the Aborigine. “You have forgotten your dreams.”
“But what are dreams?” asked the White man.
“Dreams are shadows of something real.” replied the Old Black Wise Woman.
Suddenly, the White man was very frightened. He had been having many dreams lately of UFOs, alien invasions and the End of the World.

I wrote the above whilest remembering a scene from one of my favourite movies - The Last Wave by Peter Weir.

When I am not earning a living.... I investigate UFOs, Ghosts and other Paranormal Phenomena.

I am a professional actor for Stage, TV and Film
...If you saw the movie "City of Joy" with Patrick Swayze, then you will have seen me....
Or if you are a Doctor Who fan...you may have seen me....I was the evil Sil....

My Resumme

Some of my Poetry

The Numbers of the Beast

My Art Gallery

Bury My Art, But Please Not Me

My World of the Paranormal

Alien Autopsy?

The Cosmic Host?

So You Want to Meet an Alien? Watch my film,

...."The Alien Who Lived in the Sheds", on the Net on www.FilmFilm.com

My Red Paint Protest at South Africa's Apartheid in 1985

The U. S. of AIDS

Campaign to Free Vanunu and a Nuclear Free Middle East

Influences on me, as published in New Statesman, 16 April 1993

"What makes you angry?" The Inside Story, 5 April 1993

My Letter to President Bill Clinton (Jan. 1993)

DUMBING DOWN: The Americanization of British television

STOP PRESS .Nabs Latest

Email me at jinghiz53@yahoo.com in the meantime.
I am constantly updating my site and adding new pages, so please come back soon and visit me.

"This planet of ours is not dead by any means. It is a vital living thing. Mother Earth is literally a living, conscious being, a great living organism. Life doesn't extend to animals and vegetables, but right down to the mineral kingdom and far below that. The mystery teachings declare that in the inner depths of the planet there is a centre where all the work of the planet is done, where force and form work constantly to keep the planet working harmoniously and to allow what consciousness it has to manifest. You could call it the Heart of the World." (W. E. Butler 1898 - 1978)

"Who fosters not our Mother Earth, behaves far worse than any of the bad."
- Zoroaster (400 BCE)

Links to other sites on the Web

Wolves, Wolves and more wolves
United American Indians of New England...Native Americans are still being persecuted
Native American Guides
Jessie Tacawa Native American Jewelry and Crafts
Friends of the Earth The Heritage of Genghiz Khan
FBI files on Unusual Phenomena - but can you trust these X-Files?
Uri Geller - world famous Spoon-Bender and Psychic
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The CIA radio station is useful for European news.
National UFO Reporting Center
Fortean Times Online - a magazine of the Damned,

© 1997 jinghiz53@yahoo.com

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