My heart belongs in the mountains of Colorado


and will remain until I return.


I am a student of psycholodgy

and look forward to graduating soon.


This next picture was taken on our honeymoon

in Montana. 





My husband is my entire life.

He is my best friend,

and the most dedicated, loyal person I have ever known.

He has always believed in me,

even when I no longer believe in myself.

In the last two and a half years we have been together,

I have learned to appreciate him so much.


Aside from my husband, my other loves in life  

are my family, and inspiring people.  

The most inspiring person I have ever met is

Ila Marie Goodey.

She has been my mother away from home

and an incredible friend .

Ila Marie passed away on May 16, 1999.

She was an incredible woman who has

impacted my life beyond measure. She made me want to be a better person.

Her poetry was amazing and will be my link to her forever.

I invite you to visit and learn from her

 through the link at the end of this page.

I enjoy hearing about other people's love stories

meeting new people,  

and educating myself about different things.

I am a 'diehard romantic',

and absolutely love meeting and mingling with people.



This candle is placed in memory of
the children who survived and those
who did not at Columbine High School.


I am a proud member of
Awards and Gifts Given to Me 

Daremore Quotes
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Links to other sites on the Web
Sonnets by Ila Marie Goodey, PhD
Ladies of the Heart
Choices' Unlimited (aka Momma's Place)
This page was originally created by my dear friend, Ila Marie Goodey.

     Forever Love Webring
Jennifer Beesley
Believes In
Forever Love.
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