... i'm Spring.

Heyyy.... yeah, that's me.

So anyway... i'm not gonna tell you my life story or anything...My name is Spring. if you know me, cool. If ya don't, deal with it. this is my own stupid page, full of pictures of me and my friends. maybe some drawings and stuff too. if you don't like that kinda thing, GO AWAY! otherwise, look at some pictures.
My Stuff

Some more pics of me
wanna see some pics of myCOOL TATTOO!!??
Some of my sketches
My quotes page
A page dedicated to my 3 best friends
a page about some of my favorite music
Links to some neat sites

Friends' Pages

My best friend Tica's page
my psychotic (but cool) friend Bef's page
Some guy i know, Josh's page
Crazy, crazy Mary's page
My 'little' bro Jay's page

ok everybody, geocities screwed up my old guestbook so you all have to SIGN THE NEW ONE!

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read my OLD guestbook if you're that bored