Welcome to My Shadowlands
i heard her voice last night
evoking the nearest star
almost able to touch
she's now one of my demons
one of the many i have to kiss
to enter
that deep blue void
a chill that clams every fire
a setting sun over the hills
faster then thought
i can see all of them walking towards me
taking their time
all coming out of the point
where the fires of hell
surface the earth
and after the torture begins
with their ruthless slaughter
rapidly decaying my soul
seemingly endless pain
leaving me hopeless
in the silence
they'll always be there
hiding behind shadows
waiting for their time
when the fires of hell
touch the earth

              Within everyone there lies shadows, some are more apparent than others, but we all have them. Some might call them demons, their step-father, their bastard child, or what ever holds them down, keeping them within reason. Holding them to be content with the reality that was given to them, weather it be good or bad.

            To me these are shadows, they come out when the sun sleeps. That's when my demons, my step-fathers, my bastard comes out to breath. That's when the pain sets in. And I can actually feel my own pulse rise within me.
                                                                                                                                         Welcome again, to my Shadowlands.
 Tori & Me
 Sarah McLachlan & My Own Poetry
 Some Paintings by Diego Rivera and some more of my poetry
 Miscellaneous Artwork and yet some more of my poetry
to visit the new site.. coming slowly..
 My astrological Chart... if you wanna see it

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