Hello and welcome to Sofaraway's world! This is the beginning of a journey into a tribute to my sons, friends and even some fun things.
First, a little about me, then you can meet the rest of the family. I'm 45, divorced and currently living back in my home state of New Jersey. I've traveled during my marriage, eighteen times in fact and while each place held special memories, I did have my favorite places. Among these are: Beaufort, South Carolina and Litchfield, New Hampshire. The list of the various states I've lived in is: New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, California, and New Hampshire; with several moves within most of these states.
I am a former Marine Aviator's wife, which explains many of these moves and as difficult as saying good bye to friends had been; there were so many hellos yet to be made! New homes to decorate, new people to meet, new places to see and…new ways to fix chop meat and chicken!
My sense of humor has always aided me in dealing with the blows life has to deal each and every one of us, and a legacy from my Dad!
I'm an aspiring Romantic Fiction Novelist and Erotic Short Story Writer. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy!
This is my Mom's family. From left to right: Pop: Stephen, Nana: Genevieve, Mom: Bess, and Uncle Buddy.
My Dad's mom, Antonia.
My Dad: Mario Michael. Daddy passed away on April 26, 1998. This man knew the meaning of how to give of oneself, how to love unconditionally, and how to squeeze the absolute most from whatever life had to offer! He taught me a love of music, how to laugh in the face of adversity and most of all how to give love all you had to offer. He truly was, and still is…My Hero!
My parents were married on September 12, 1948 and until the day he died my parents still looked at each other the same way.
Along the Jersey Shore, where I spent a great deal of time while growing up. It's changed over the years, but still holds many happy memories for me. Not too far from that building and under the boardwalk my husband first kissed me.
My Grandparents celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Taken shortly before my Dad's death while my parents were doing what most retirees do...snowbirding it in Florida. Also in the picture are my Uncle Buddy and Nana, who is 91 years old here.
One of my pride and joys...my Classic 1965 Mustang!
A couple years ago, my two youngest sons decided I needed companionship for the days when they moved out and were gone. So, for Mother's Day they surprised me with "Major" aka Pooch. Funny, but he's my youngest son's shadow and constant companion. The duo are inseparable.
Now, how could a family album of sorts occur without Iggy? Iggy, or Brian as he's sometimes called, but not around my house, is my middle son, Tom's best friend. What one didn't think of, the other did! Believe me, there was never a dull moment when Iggy was around. Iggy, I love you, hon!
Bitty!!! My Angel! I met Bit_Oh_Hunny online and I'm happy to say, my life hasn't been the same since. She'd been my vitural daughter and I was happy. Then, in February she came to live with me and I really knew what happiness was all about. I love her as if she were my own daughter. Her sense of humor and wit is pure and whimsical, while her creative talents leave me in awe. I don't doubt no matter what she seeks in life, she'll find or tackle whatever stands in her way. I adore her fiesty spirit and tenacity!
I've watched this scared, terrified girl turn into a more secure, self-confident young woman! Bitty.....My Angel.... I love you and I'm so happy that you are with me! I love you to the moon and back!!
Now, meet my sons.
For those of you interested in experiencing a taste of my writing, Please enjoy!
Other links you might enjoy visiting. Thank you for spending time with me and mine...
