Amber's Page
Hello and welcome to my page. I guess I'll tell you a little about me. My name is Amber Elizabeth. I am 17 and I am the oldest of 4 kids; I have a brother
Kelby, a sister Anabelle, and a brother Kyle. I am a Christian and have been for 3 years. I am a senior at Southwest High School. I am currently number ONE in my class!! I am NHS president, SWAT Vice-president and I am also involved in FHA and FBLA. Next year I plan on going to John Brown University and major in Children and Family Ministry.
I have Yahoo pager (aec7) and ICQ (8782379) and AIM (o1samsgirl).
I hope that you enjoy my other pages!
Hey everybody! I am going to Colorado for Christmas to see my boyfriend!! I am leaving 12-23
Links to Pages:
My Photo Album

My Friends

My Paintings

My Bible Study
Updated: December 21, 1998 8:16 p.m.
Email me!!