Presented by Lik Studio Production
original works created by PhotoShop, FractalPainter, TrueSpace and FractalExpression

L4 CG Gallery
by Lik Studio

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3D graphic PhotoShop Fractal Lik Studio
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Copyright 1996, Lik Studio (Eric Moy)

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eam eric moy eric moy eric moy eric moy lik lik lik lik lik lik eric moyraydr5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG ray traced images SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital ray traced images photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paint shoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter ray traced images truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI ray traced images 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic likLik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 ray traced images 3d raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 D 3d raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions ray traced images graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 ray traced images photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture ray traced images mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paint shoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Lik Studio L4 computer graphic ray traced images digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic likLik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 3 dimensions graphic lik Studio L4 computer graphic digital photoshop fractal fractalPainter truespace raydream truespace2 raydream4 3d raydream5 photohop3 photoshop4 fractal disign painter paint shop pro paintshoppro psp psp4 CG SGI 3D graphic eric moy eric4 lik4 lik moy gallery picture render rendering texture mapping workshop 4444 4444 ray traced images ray traced images