
| piggy bank calender |
| piggy bank news | piggy bank history
| fat links | what's
a pig? |
| piggy bank jokes | pictures&graphics
| piggy bank-collectors |
| color-book | language
| countries | piggy
bank advertisements |
| gert's piggy banks | the
end |

The piggy bank is a piece of art already long known
by many different cultures;
it's only natural that this lovely animal has an internet-page of its own!
Some people say: "the old-fashioned piggy bank has gone the way
of rabbit ears
-- they're hula hoops for the youngsters of the 1990s",
but we think that no era has shown such a
rich variety in piggy banks.

a part of Gert's piggy banks collection

piggy bank news

Perceptive piggy -
further news at:
Fraser News

piggy bank history
read Gert Deelman's story:
brief history of piggy banks
See also: The answer to the MondoTrivia question
of December 12, 1997:
How did the
"piggy bank" get its name and shape of a pig?

A popular tradition mirrors a people's ambivalent feelings
about swine.
he Chinese attitude
toward the pig reveals a long-standing love-hate relationship that began
with its ancestor the wild boar. The boar was thoroughly detested by farmers
for destroying their vegetable crops, but it was also admired for its great
strength, speed, and ferocity, and the therapeutic values of various parts
of its body. The ancient Chinese drew on the traits of the wild boar to
characterize people and even governments. In time, the Chinese domesticated
the wild boar, and over a long period it evolved into the pig. The pig
provided meat, an important source of protein, and countless by-products.
Its fast growth and reproductive power made it an emblem of wealth and
prosperity. Pigs also played a role in rituals related to death and the
afterlife, and pig effigies and bones were often included in burials. Pigs
were also thought to be efficient guardians of children.
© 1996 by the Archaeological Institute of America
from: Chines
Pig Tales

FAT Links

bank shop:
In Holland there is a shop for "cow and pig collectors"
in Breda called "Beestenboel" ; the address: Graaf Hendrik III
laan 63, Breda, Netherlands, tel. +31 (0)76 5216324, fax +31 (0)76
5208890 |
bank collectors:

bank jokes
Inflation was getting
out of hand, so Joe suggested to his wife Louise, that they should try
to save some money on the side. "Every time I lay you, I'll give you
a dollar for you piggy bank", he said. After some time they wanted
to go on a holiday and smashed the piggy bank to pieces. Out tumbled a
bunch of dollars, but there were also many bundles of fives, tens and twenties.
"Louise, where did you get all that money?" asked Joe, "each
time we made love, I only gave you one dollar!" "So what?"
she replied, "do you think everyone is as stingy as you?"

I will give you my piggy bank but the
rate of interest will be
double the bank rate plus movie plus an ice-cream plus...
Copyright: Cartoon
by Priya Raj 1995, from IndiaWORLD

do you know a funny joke with or about a piggy
bank, PLEASE let us know

bank" in different languages
- ENGLISH - piggy bank
- NEDERLANDS (dutch) - spaarvarken
- FRANCAIS (french) - tirelire
à couchon
- DEUTSCH (german) - Sparschwein
- NORSK (norwegian) - sparegris
(thanks Lars-Toralf Storstrand)
- ESPANOL (spanish) - hucha de
cerdito (thanks to Cisar Alas)
- DANSK (danish) - spargris
(thanks to Karin Brandt Koch, USA)
- AFRIKAANS (south-african) - spaarvarkie
(thanks to TM)
- TURKISH - domuz kumbara (thanks
to Altan Orer)
- ITALIANO (italian) - porcellino
salvadanaio (thanks to Gary D. Cannon, USA)
- JAPANESE - Buta-san Chokinbako
(thanks to Miki Oyama, Japan)
- SUOMI (finnish) - säästöpossu
(thanks to PT, Finland)
- POLSKA (polish) - scarbonka swinka
(thanks to Gert Deelman, Netherlands)
........ in your language,
let us know by e-mail or visit the Guestbook!

bank advertisements

click here for more:
pictures & graphics
of nice piggy banks

the end?
No, this is not yet the end, you can read
look at this site
other piggy (bank) pages :
Litle pig
What are the further plans with this "the-first-world-wide-piggy-bank-home-page"?
- We will go on digging in the history of the piggy-bank amnd show
you our findsbyno
- We will show you some more nice pictures of our piggy banks
- We will show the difference in piggy banks from different countries
- We will try to connect piggy bank collectors all over the world
- We will show you the different types and technical details of special
piggy banks
For all this we need the help of people all over the world, so if
you are interested , know something about piggy-banks, know where we can
find more information about piggy-banks, have information about piggy-bank
museums or other museums who have a collection about piggy-banks, PLEASE
let us know, send us your suggestions, e-mail us at
the Piggy Bank Guestbook | view
the Piggy Bank Guestbook
view the older entries in our Piggy
Bank Guestbook

this page started on May 1, 1996; last change on January
24, 2000
to the TQ-design
INDEX for more serious business
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