Mandy's Winnie the POOH Page!
Mandy has expressed that she likes Winnie the Pooh. Well, since her mom likes doing homepages, she will put her a Pooh Page together for a surprise. Ohhhh, by the way, I am mom! I love my daughter with all my heart. She is so very special. I know the last year has been a tough one for her as the rest of us. But my love for her has never ever stopped or lessened. I hope for her that she will do good in life and try to pick the right paths. We have all been down the wrong ones and I guess we have to let them try their wings and make the mistakes we have made in some point in our life. For we are just mom and dad and what do we know?
I love you Mandy!!!
See my new Pooh Doll?? Got her at
DollzRus! Please don't take her there are more dolls to adopt. Stop on by and tell them Mandy and Poohy sent ya!
Her 16th birthday page
A page my daughter made for me
My other page
Pooh pics
A Great Pooh Link!!
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