Missey's Home Page

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There's always room for one more...


Poetry found here.... Reunions with a ghost Floorboard Confessions Think Dreaming

To my links
So, my name is Missey and I live in Illinois now. I was born in 1979, you can do the math...
This page an expression of who I am or as most people see it, who I hide. I have always wanted to listen to people and hear what others think about life. I search for honesty, commitment and respect from every relationship I encounter. I believe that everyone deserves three chances to show me who they really are. I love to be busy and I also love to sleep.
I have three kitties the oldest is, Frenzy. He is big and gray now. Middle is Scotch, happens to be Frenzy's nephew. In 2002 there was a new edition..Mr. Pele. Yeah he's a soccer kitty.
In 2003, I opened a small ice cream shop which closed in July 2004. It was a great experience and I certainly learned a lot from it, but I managed to find a clip on the net..M.J.'s Treehouse Treats was the name...may our ALL YOU CAN EAT CEREAL BAR live on somewhere...if you open one or find one,
let me know where so I can check it out, too!
The best thing to come out of owning M.J.'s was not only meeting some awesome people, but owning my first turtle, Walter! You can see him below in his glass tank of wonder.."I wonder what's over here...oh yea, another rock.."
Enjoy my page, look at the pictures of the kitties, and check out the links!

I did just discover a great site...check it out..it changes everyday...very interesting!


for Jim

The first night God created was too weak; it fell down on it's back, a woman in a cobalt blue dress. I was that woman and I didn't die. I lived for you, but you don't care. You're drunk again, turned inward as always. Nobody has trouble like I do, you tell me, unzipping your pants to show me the scar on your thigh, where the train sliced into you when you were ten. You talk about it with wonder and self-contempt, because you didn't die and you think you deserved to. When I kneel to touch it, you just stand there with your eyes closed, your pants and underwear bunched at your ankles. I slide my hand up your thigh to the scar and you shiver and grab me by the hair. We kiss, we sink to the floor, but we never touch it, we just go on and on tumbling through space like two bits of stardust that shed no light, until it's finished, our descent, our falling in place. We sit up. Nothing's different, nothing. Is it love, is it friendship that pins us down, until we give in, then rise defeated once more to reenter the sanctuary of our seperate lives? Sober now, you dress, then sit watching me go throught the motions of reconstruction-- reddening checks, eyeshadowing eyelids, sticking bobbypins here and there. We kiss outside and you walk off, arm in arm with your demon. So I've come through the ordeal of loving once again, sane, whole, wise, I think as I watch you, and when you turn back, I see in your eyes acceptance, resignation, certainty that we must collide from time to time. Yes. Yes, I meant goodbye when I said it.

-Ai "Fate"
Fletcher, if you are still out there....e-mail me!!!!

Floorboard Confessions

It is so hard for me to believe that for so long these boards have been rotting within me. and I thought you that fresh,new sticky coat of paint of armor would save me. Of course I was wrong putting all of my eggs into a silver basket. only to drop them,not one by one but all at once. And I feel crazy now Because I caught a glimmer, a glimpse of you and me hands and knees on the floor (heart on my sleeve) ripping up those termited boards, when I thought I could paint them pure and white tip-toe like. I saw for a moment that I could live without brie and Vancouver or leather trimmed interior, Greenwich and that big lonely house. And I dropped my serving tray and I knew in that instant instant that is my life, you had saved me. So that I could live simply (maybe with you) and be happy. Dublin I love you, floorboards and all. rough hands coarse mouth I would have you if I could. Fletcher Jane Smith

Think Dreaming

When I think, I tend to dream. I can see you in my mind with your Arms opened wide - our hearts pounding harder as I walk closer. Can you feel my blood boiling the closer our bodies touch... your hand on my thigh as I grind, pulsating as if it is morse code for TAKE ME NOW In your eyes – even when you turn away I can hear it in your voice everytime you speak my name. To give in is wrong, but is dreaming about it any less of a crime? You fight my feelings and yours mean nothing? You say you’ll think about it, as if you weren’t all along. I know you do – distance is no barrier when the energy is rapidly beating – Fate will allow no exit other than completion – Can you take that with you to the end? Forever dreaming about one last dance.
~Missey Thibodeau

What do YOU want to do??

Wild World of Willy Wonka...

18+ please! Beautiful artistic pictures of women.

The major pain in my life has to do with a disease that over 5 million women share. It has no cure, and even if surgery is performed, there's no guarantee that it will go away. It's called endometriosis and if you'd like to read more about it, please click here.

University of Southern Maine

Frenzy as a kitten......Scotch when he was irresistable!

Thanksgiving 2003
I'm not kidding when I say that they jumped up on the table and posed
for this picture taken by a family friend!

Thank you for stopping by!


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