Welcome at Michel GENTON / Bienvenue chez Michel !


There have been visitors since March 97.

bullet Few words :

I live in Switzerland and work in the computer business, mainly as a system engineer specialised in international communications. I also published a short document about the GENTON and GENTHON common origins (French only).

My wife, Ursula , is a teacher in English, German and French working mainly in Geneva or Nyon. If you'd like some private lessons, well Email me...

My son, Loïc , follows business and informatics at the University of HEC in Lausanne He also performs as a rocker with a group named PULL Their first cdrom CD is on its way....

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bullet Some links / Liens :

  • My son's page in French.
  • Contrywise More about Switzerland.
  • Softwares one of those shareware house.
  • Contacts; End of document
  • Tricks / Trucs & Astuces.
  • Under construction.

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    bullet Version française :

    Je vis en suisse et travaille principalement dans le monde des communications informatiques internationales. J'ai aussi publié un court résumé sur les origines communes des familles GENTON et GENTHON.

    Ursula, mon épouse, enseigne l'anglais, l'allemand et le français dans la région de Nyon et Genève. Si vous désirez des leçons privées, alors envoyez nous du courrier...

    Loïc , mon fils, poursuit ses études d'informatique et gestion à HEC de Lausanne
    C'est aussi un jeune rocker dans le groupe PULL Leur premier cdrom CD arrive...

    top of page ? home page ? Send questions, comments to mgenton@romandie.com mgenton@romandie.com

    Last updated on Januar 9, 2008 but not actualy by Michel.
    The material used on this page is the responsibility of its author, not of the provider of this home page.

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