Hi- I'm Meredith. Nice to meet you! :)
I am the band director of the Boothbay Region Elementary and High Schools.
This is a website where you can find up to date information (I hope) about concerts and assignments, practices.... etc.

Now for the facts:
I compose music, poetry, and prose.
Some of my happiest times have been with pen in hand, editing a poem . . .
I have been published in several regional poetry journals, and one national one.
It makes me happy. Well, considering... *shrug*

Maya Angelou- one of my favorite poets and role models...
i couldn't tell fact from fiction
or if my dream was true
the only sure prediction, in this whole world was you
I touched your features inchly
heard love and dared the cost
the scented spiel
reeled me unreal
and found my scenses lost
- Maya Angelou

I am so happy to be a music teacher. Dr. Kaschub always told us how rewarding it could be, but I didn't really believe it until it happened to me. :) The light bulb that goes off can bring to my eyes. I want you to read this story that a friend forwarded me about teachers
anyway... it made me cry. Read A Sweet Note. Another source of inspiration is this hilarious compilation of quotes taken from actual tests and papers that music students wrote. Read it.
(go to my "Shack of Laughs!". Click here)
I love Electronic Mail . . . so Email me!
Hey... where are you going? You don't even know what my favorite color is yet!If you click on that little banner(that I made all by myself) that says Meredith's Rainforest, you'll find tons of funny, ironic and thought provoking stuff...
I want to teach you how to use the word wicked...
I figure you owe it to YOURSELF to stick around... *grin*
Relax, I'm just kidding. I just spend a lot of time trying to be funny and would really
appreciate it if you would just click on the banner I made all by myself and read some
more of my sarcasm...
Have a good day and God Bless!