Look where you've arrived!
There he is:
Feel free to quickly disappear
if you can't find anything of interest to you here.
Days with Magnetic Storms in June 97: 5, 7, 11, 14, 20, 22, 29
The dates are as anounced in the media in Bulgaria.
How am I affected on days with Magnetic Storms? -- One might ask.
Very Personal links.
and Alex's own Picture Gallery - Windows to Bulgaria!
Chat! Chat! - The non-stop Bulgarian party on the Web!
Home Page - A Crossroad on the Web. Virtual ties to Motherland.
Wouldn't you
be happy to check some other even greater Home
Pages of Bulgarians?
Yearning to
freshen the taste in your mouth? It's usually a good idea to check the
recipy before you try to make something great. Bulgarian
cuisine might have what you need.
Never read much
poetry? Then check the Bulgarian
Poetry Archive (Created by Drago Radev and Konstantin Zahariev)
Not that personal stuff:
Sister. The picture that I like and she doesn't. Not ready yet.
Cousin Alex. As honest as a woman can be (kidding). She is still not
home page. A friend from the Old School.
can't help guoting you: "Chat is Life, drugoto e Zhiznj" :))
Bye, wish you good surfing!
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