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and soon to be added ITALIAN!
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and some Funny stuff.
Our newly added Thoughts on the New Year Let's hear your opinion!
EVERYONE that visits, please come --->here<----
Here is some quotations and stuff for friends and those who are just surfing the web
if any of this doesn't work, please E-mail me and tell me, thanx that will help a LOT!
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Kewl Bean
My favorite band even BEFORE they got all FAMOUS!
You are number
Our 100th guest: Kapil Dass!!! Thanx amigo
Ok, call me confused, but last time I checked my counter on about November 13, it was around 110 people, now today, November 15th, it is some 11,000...? Well i don't mind that much! ;-)
© 1997 tictactoe5@aol.com