April in Paris



My name is Joan Grimes.I live in Gardendale, Alabama.After being widowed I have recently married Theron Boyd. Click here to read about our Love Story I have four grown children and eleven grandchildren. I am a retired French and European History Teacher. Some of my interests are my family, travel,The French Language, reading,history (especially French and English history), my computer, Seniornet Roundtables (where I am a RoundTables host and host of the Travel Topics Folder) and surfing the WWW.

I have been on the Internet a little over two years now. Before that I was on various on-line services for about 7 months. The Internet is the place to be for communicating with the world.

I love to travel. I travel to France at least once a year to practice my French. I want to see more and more of that wonderful country that I feel is mine too.

I am a docent at the Art Museum in Birmingham Alabama. I find this an interesting and challenging volunteer job where I can continue learning as well as contributing to my community .

Joan Travels on the TGV(the fast French train) from Paris to Nantes

To read about my trip to Italy in the Fall of 1996 Fall click on Italy in November 1996

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