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A list of my poetry
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Thank you for coming..... I don't know what brings you here, yet I know you belong. We all belong.... we are all poets in our own way. So pull up a comfortable chair, put your feet up, relax, and let your mind wander. :)

About me:

I am Allyn Mae, 19, from San Antonio Texas USA. I enjoy reading and writing poetry, dancing, singing, and being on IRC (you can almost ALWAYS find me on #cranberries under KatsPJs or AllynMae). I have a little sister named Aimee who sometimes shows up too, her normal nick is MJJFan. So if you see either one of us, don't hesitate to stop and say hello! I am now attending The University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio (to contact me there, click here). I hope to major in communications, but with the way things work with me, I'm sure I'll change majors about 57 times before I find something I really want to do. *grin* I've been writing poetry since I was about 12 or so; it's always been my preferred form of expression. As you begin to read what's posted, you'll discover more about who I am.

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