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Scenes from a Spanish Dinner

drevil.jpg (29051 bytes) Dr. Evil fantasizes about poisoning the sangria.
taco bell.jpg (22044 bytes) "Yo quiero Taco Bell."
cousins.jpg (38883 bytes) Why cousins shouldn't marry.
hemmorhoid.jpg (35748 bytes) "For the love of God, pass me the hemmorhoid medicine!"
damcowboy.jpg (42281 bytes) Single French male seeking woman (12-72 years) for fun and romance. Must enjoy 2-stepping and dining at Wal-Mart.
drunk.jpg (41414 bytes) Friends support food poisoning victim who ate french dessert prepared with ants.
dancers.jpg (25139 bytes) Another reason why cousins shouldn't marry...
choir.jpg (29906 bytes) "This is more fun than making love to a farm animal!"

[click on thumbnail to see larger image]

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