Welcome to Sadi's place

Hi. Welcome to my home page. I am still under please be patient. Aren't homepages ALWAYS under construction? smile;)

I love to write and will add a page here soon with some of the things I have written.. something I have found and enjoyed. ..

              Quilting is a love of mine. I have made many quilts of differents sizes and designs. I am a traditional quilter...enjoying the old patterns...but I also very much enjoy designing my own quilts. There is nothing like cuddling up under a nice warm quilt on a cold night .

       I enjoy listening to country music as well as many other types of music. One of my favorite country artists is Kathy Mattea. Her song "Battle Hymn of Love" holds a special place in my heart . Another favorite is Toby Keith "We Were in Love".

During the school year I work in a middle school which is both rewarding and fun .

You can often find me chatting on telnet. I can be found at American Romance or on Alice's Looking Glass. Come see me and say hi. I love to meet new people and chat:)You can also look for me on Crossroads The Next Generation. Hope to see you there!

A special thanks and hello to all my friends who put up with me..Marissa , thanks for always being there.. you are a true friend. Kesey (ok, he is my husband),Lil, Detg, Lefty, Questor, Larry, Drake, Joseph, Kitten, Snowtiger, Honeybee, Varmit, Winnie, Puck, Aviator, Elyssa, CCkins (Crazychick), Mizwings, Tasselhof, Magik, Clay, Mystra, Cinder, Michael, Good, Dutchess, Vman, Grimmsby and everyone else that makes AR so much fun.. If I left anyone out .. I am sorry.. bop me one and remind me:)

In your eyes
I see my dreams
of love
Begin to flow

In your arms
I find the strength
to follow
My every dream
In your mind
I see the openess
to bend
To form and grow

In your life
I feel the joy
My life to join

In your heart
I feel the love
that warms
My inner soul

In your soul
I find the love
to share
forever more

Copyright ©1996 Sadi

Princess Pretty Paws my Cat

The start of a family album

Here are pictures of some of my net friends

Here are pictures of some of my quilts

Links to Friends on the Net

American Romance is an over 18 talker, enjoy laughter with friends or get away to a romantic setting.

Come visit our sister talker. This is an over 18 talker based on Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Each time you go it gets curiouser and curiouser. Have fun there:)

This is our under 18 talker. Join everyone there and follow your dreams, laugh and have a lot of fun:)

Please check out the homepages for:

American Romance
Alice's Looking Glass
City of Dreams

You are visitor number Since August 31, 1996.

Email Sadi  

Copyright ©1996 Sadi

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