What is to be seen in the eyes of the angel?, Look and find out.

You really have to love someone in order to them.

welcome visitor #

other places you may rest eternaly..

Good poems and cool stuff
Realm Of The Devil Bunnies
NINE INCH NAILS its cool cause its nails
nin again i love `em ][\][ ][ ][/][
Darkside of the web cool pics and all
on the darkerside of peoms great page

I hope you enjoyed this insite on me and my friends go to
any of these links and see some good stuff.!!

Take my stuff but e-mail if you do!!!

Well ill have other stuff up in a while so keep on coming in more
stuff is on the way!!!!

© 1998Debbie_Hammers@kcpt.org

click here to see the list for my s

...and here are my zip files available to download
braintea.zip -- this is a puzzle game i think
gcmoney.zip -- i have no clue what this is
patience.zip -- another mind game???

this is what my page is about, Poetry, so if you have taken the time to come here you should really take the time to read my stuff. you can click on the blue thing underneath here and see my poems.


and also my prose and more things about me and all that jazz, you can click on Brooklyns stuff right there and goto more of my writings and more things about me.

BrooklyN Stuff

if you would like me to post your poems on my page i will i am looking for some good poems please send to me on IRC my nick is Brooklyn... thanx

Well.. this page is about me.. im a 18 year old young man.. i have many interests.. such as human behavior, listening, and stuff along those lines... i enjoy reading books on Metaphysics and extrodainary type things... of course i enjoy poetry and drawing.. im hopeing one day to be noticed.. .. i love to role play online.. i get on IRC.. undernet.. my handle is Brooklyn i hang out in #Vamp_Manor.. if your into Role-Playing.. come on by.. i dont know after being with someone for a certain time.. i somewhat lost my charm.. but yet i still am good at being a friend.. it bloze i havent had a woman in 3 years about.. but it dont really bother me...
im a single guy, and probably going to stay that way for awhile .. im a good looking guy with many talents .. i try to be and astist and poet.. but truthfully i dont think im that great.. i am somewhat popular with everyone.. i used to be addicted to many different drugs.. i cleaned up and now i will rarely if ever do them.. .... if you wanna know more go on... im a big kid.. im 6'1 and 157lbs.. i have light brown hair.. i have tan skin and a good complection... i have stone blu eyes..i dress with that prep/skater look going for me.. my real name is Sammi Hammers.. im not the most permiscuiss guy.. i have had 2 relationships in 17 years the thing i fear most is being alone.. and the thing i want the most is a girl i can hold and fall in love with... im not good at much.. but i am a good listener.. i think that in all this i have told you the same thing over and over.. but yet to show you that i am repeatitive and that i cannot spell(thats appearent im sure!)but i dont know what i am trying to get by putting the page up.. but if i can strike a nerve or emotion in anyone that comes here than this page has made its purpose clear.. its simply effect.. and in that i tell you all this.. maybe its trying to make a friend.. but yet how well can you know someone by words.. better than what you think.. and if i have struck some sort of feeling it has made me more of a non-human.. and i thank you for reading.. please go on... please... please... okay GO ON!!! i think the best things in life are the things you dont pass up.. its like once you want something and you dont go after it, what happens 10 years down the road.. do you look back and hit yourself for not doing that.. or you do go after it and it changes the course of your life.. to be daring yet smart about it...i mean like alot of my friends who over look and dont think about it i take everything in and study it... you have to or life will pass you by.. i might be young but i know enough to get me thru this.. Shizit i think probably the hardest thing in my life was overcoming and getting myself on course from drugs and a painful relationship.. my self esteem isnt all that its cracked up to be... but i present my ego rather well... i dont know actually why i put a page up with all my thoughts and feelings.. but then again why do millions of people do it.. if you know tell me.. its not like ill ever meet the 1.5 million people that have been here.... and if i do allready know you.. more power to you.. allthough i might act like a .. most likely if i talk to you like your not a fuking tard.. then you have won some place in my heart.. and i will most likely be there for you.. i mean out of all the people i know.. i think maybe 2-4 of them are close to me.. and maybe 1-2 of them i actually love like family... its hard to be so numb inside.. it takes alot of pain to do that to someone.. and i think as well as having that pain it was a good thing.. that it did come... it gave me a life experiance that i will not soon forget... or overcome.... it will allways be in the back of my mind sitting there like a crow waiting for its meal to be uncovered by the passing car... but she wont ever come back.. so i dont see the reason of dwelling upon the past other then to rethink the mistakes i might make or are about to make.. like the one i had made a few days ago.. but yet im glad it happened... and in this i bid you farewell to get along with the rest of my page..

ill leave you with a qoute from me..

To say to someone that you love them and mean it.. is better than to say you love them to get laid!


Goat!!GOAT--->. HALB!!

A Few Things From Me and My Crew

BrooklyN: To fade out of vision is not allways better to fade out in a mind.. if they cant see you they can use your name.. but if they dont know you.. they are your game..
((ill have this done in a lil while))

BrooklyN: I have dreamt of being an angel.. but then i look into her eyes and think to myself.. why dream to be an angel.. when you have one in your arms?

ALLright and now this is the extra to my page.. this is the VTM(Vampire the masq. lil part.. like i said im an avid RPGer... please read and look...


if you would like to send me anything.. poetry s go for it.. id like you all to tell your friends if they are artists poets or anything to come to my page and email about what they think.. and if you want anything up on this page.. i will do it... REMEMBER ART IS FOR ALL TO SEE POEMS ARE YOU FEELINGS SHARE AND BE SHARED LOVE YOUR ART AND LET IT LOVE YOU


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Just to be polite... thanx for coming by and i hope to hear from you... EMAIL ME!!!! i dont git much... of anything.. hehe.. well if i know you EMAIL ME now!!!!!! if i dont.. DO IT ANYWAYZ!!! take it easy



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Allways remember, humans suck! if you are a human i am VERY sorry and i send you all my grief and hope that one day you will no longer be a human. sorry if you are the lowest form of excremant. BrooklyN