Personal Info


Welcome to the Home Page of Jancy Thomson

The inspiration for making a page like this came from my daughter Irene. She is a sixth grader. After returning from a summer enrichment program from University of Virginia, she published her own home page.

I live in Richlands, Virginia. Richlands is a nice and quite mountain community in the Appalachian mountains of south-west Virginia. Yes we are rural but not behind in technology. People are not very rich financially but has a heart of Gold. I do not mind calling this place "Richland".

Richlands is located in Tazewell County of Virginia. This place is very pretty and mountainous. It is the beauty of this place that attracted me to settle here. The movie "Lassie" was filmed in various locations in Tazewell county. We have an excellent community college (SVCC) here.

I am the only daughter of Annamma and Joseph KARIPPAPARAMPIL. I was born in Parampuzha, a small village outside Kottayam, in the southern state of KERALA in INDIA. I attended St. Michael’s High School and M.E.S College in Calicut, India. I immigrated to United States in 1981. I have lived and worked in Chicago and Atlanta and finally decided to settle in the rural Virginia.

WORK:I work at Columbia Clinch Valley Medical Center. Which is a multi-speciality hospital belongs to the Columbia HCA corporation. We promote a philosophy of professional growth through team work, innovation and personal caring. Our wide variety of services include everything from prenatal to geriatric care. This is a large and modern 240 bed hospital.

FAMILY: I am married to Roy Varghese Thomson son of Aley and Thomas Varghese Thoompumkal, Ruby Nagar P.O Changanacherry,Kerala, India. We have two girls. Irene, the oldest is interested in journalism and computer. Ashley is seven years old. She is interested in drawing, violin and gymnastics.


TRAVEL: We travel a lot every summer. We traveled to 40 of the 50 states in the United States. We visited several national parks in the Unites States and Canada. I have been to U.K, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Dubai and India. My favorite places are Waterton Lake in Alberta Canada, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

MUSIC: I do not play any musical instrument but I enjoy listening to music of all kinds except rap and hard rock. My favorite singers are Chitra and M.G Sreekumar. I have a large collection of audio cassettes and compact discs.

Links to other sites on the Web

Karippaparampil Family History
Home Page of Roy Thomson
Home Page of Sheela Joseph
Home Page of Irene Thomson
Home Page of Sojan Antony
Home Page of Suja M. Joseph


Jancy Thomson


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