Bryan's Photography Page

A picture of my camera, a Nikon FE with a MD-11 motor drive.

This is a picture of my camera, a Nikon FE with MD-11 motor drive.

Picture of a shack with ominous clouds above.

This is a picture I snapped from the window of a car on a trip from Fort Worth, TX to Houston, TX.

Eventually here I will have various pictures and stories about one of my favorite hobbies, photography. For now, though, I will give you a list of the equipment I currently use:

My favorite type of photography would have to be landscape or architechtural. I really enjoy Philip Greenspun's story, Travels With Samantha. That is the kind of pictures I like to take. Nikon is my favorite type of equipment, but I have also owned a Canon EOS Elan, and an old Minolta Maxxum 5000. However, I find myself a traditionalist and I prefer to use classic equipment with no more automation than simple TTL metering. My favorite slide film is Fuji Velvia, and my favorite print film is Kodak Royal Gold 25. Fuji Velvia has extremely rich color saturation and fine grain, two things that are important elements to me.

I also shoot Kodak TMAX Black & White film. I like the 400 speed, which has fine grain for a high speed film, and I like the P3200 film. It can be pushed to ISO 25,000 which almost allows taking pictures in complete darkness.

I am a photography student at TCJC (Tarrant County Junior College), where I do all of my B&W darkroom work.

Check back here often, for I am always adding something, and it is still under construction.

© 1998
No pictures may be used for commercial purposes, however, please feel free to use them on your home page if you provide copyright and credit information. This page was last updated on Monday, March 30, 1998 8:25 AM.

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