The Désert de Retz
An Extraordinary 18th Century Garden near Paris
Where better to find God than in a garden?
The Racine de Monville Home Page is the world's first web site devoted to the Désert de Retz and its creator, François Racine de Monville (1734-1797).
Discover Monville's adventurous life, view photographs and a map of his remarkable folly garden, and learn more about France and gardens.
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The most romantic folly garden in Europe...
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What's new? What's cool?
View eighteen excellent color photographs of the Desert de Retz taken between January 2007 and November 2008 by a Paris-based teacher.
Read The Broken Column and its Deeper Meaning, a Masonic interpretation of the broken column.
Ever hear of a charitable search engine? An ethical search engine? It's the new trend in web search. Ethicle.com plants a tree for every 100 searches.
Admire four great photographs of the Desert de Retz taken in October 2008 by Gerard Peet.
U.S., South Korean ambassadors visit the Desert de Retz
- Read recent articles about European folly gardens with specific reference to the Desert de Retz in the Financial Times and the Russian journal Vedomosti
- A twenty-first century Desert de Retz? In England? Learn more about Alnwick Garden
- The Desert de Retz has been acquired by the town of Chambourcy.
- The Desert de Retz is above ground, but underground is the strange and mysterious Aqueduc de Retz.
On connaît le Désert de Retz. Mais il y a l'Aqueduc de Retz, insolite et souterrain.
- Watch a video of the Desert de Retz from the archives of the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA).
- Who owns the Desert de Retz? Who owned the Desert de Retz?
- Monsieur de Monville's Column House selected as one of the world's Top 7 Weirdest Houses!
- Landscape artist Alexander Trevi has posted some photographs and observations about the Desert de Retz on his blog, Pruned.
- Explore the Désert de Retz with an interactive map.
- An English Monville? Learn more about John "Mad Jack" Fuller and his follies.
- Although the Desert de Retz is currently not open to the public, you can visit these
seven great folly gardens in and around Paris!
- View eleven color photographs of the Desert de Retz taken in August 2003 and July 2004 by Canadian Artist-Photographer Katy McCormick.
- View a
watercolor of Monsieur de Monville's Column House by Mexican surrealist painter, Alfredo Castañeda.
- Buy Diana Ketcham's great book about the Desert de Retz for as low as $16.81!
- Read an exclusive, first-hand account of a visit to the Désert de Retz in 1952.
Enoch Robinson, an American Monville?
Did Monsieur de Monville's Column House portend the French Revolution?
- French is the only language spoken in France. Not. Ever hear of a language called Welche that has nothing to do with Wales?
- How many kisses? Check out the French Kissing Map.
- Now you can throw your
Bescherelle in the trash can!
What's today's date on the French Revolutionary Calendar? What's the decimal time on the Metric Clock?
Visiter Le Jardin des Jouet, un site plein de surprises pour les amateurs des jardins.
- What's the most romantic place in Paris? The
Mur des je t'aime.
- Test drive AnswerBus, the Internet's best search engine.
A fantastic new search engine called WorldCat lets you search for any book by title, subject or author and then locate it in a library near you. Check out WorldCat on the Search page.
Jardinons à l'école, un site à découvrir sur la page Gardens.
- Consult an interactive map of France.
- Sightsee in Paris without leaving your home.
Latest update February 15, 2009.
Dernière mise à jour le 15 février 2009.
Copyright © 1996-2009 Ronald W. Kenyon