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Welcome to the
Poetry Workshop Pages
These pages are intended to help you actively write and respond to poetry, whether you're just beginning or are an experienced writer.   I offer ideas for writing exercises and ideas for how to practice writing.

There's nothing worse than being in a slump when it comes to an artistic endeavor, and I've found I am most likely NOT to write when my mind is occupied with too many other things.  I have learned it's best if I take time out to concentrate on the task at hand.  It's when I take time to play and write and imagine that my poems are the liveliest.  If I experience writer's block, I simply go back to
structured exercises to help me get started, again. I have to allow myself the time and freedom to write. 
One idea is to compare yourself to an inanimate object using a similie or metaphor.
I am a filet o' fish
flaky and tender
Another is to make a list.  It could be a list of things you like or dislike or watch or see or hear.  It could be chronological (in time order) or spacial (in the order you see things).
Brown bear bursts
on backwards bunny  bumps
bean bag alligator over the bed
and onto the floor.
Low moan
rumbling foot tapping
piano tinking
clinking rhythm man saxophone grumbling band plays on
Read your poem out loud until you enjoy the sound it makes and the message or image it creates.  Try to visualize your poem as a painting or as a series of pictures. Don't be afraid to experiment with alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, assonance or rhyme.  All of these things help enhance the sound and imagery.  Please look up the literary devices you don't understand in the
Daily Poetry Break
Classical Poetry Discussion Forum
Poetry writing Suggestions
Tommy Tickle Camel said to Molly Mischief Rat, "I like it when the sun is high.  You wear a bright red hat."
Structured Poetry  Exercises
Willie Walrus wished for fish
and fish in the sea he saw.
Harder he wished until
He caught a fish
Then he let out a great big guffaw.

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