Ancestors of William James STEWART and his wife Beatrice Rose MARTIN.

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This paragraph contains information mostly gathered by Mormon relatives:

Beatrice Rose MARTIN "Bea" (now deceased) was the daughter of Israel M. MARTIN (5/27/1889-10/24/1915) and "Nettie" Martha Ellen DAVIS (10/7/1898 in Blacksburg-8/2/1930, and married James MOORE 2nd time); was the GRANDDAUGHTER of John Washington MARTIN (11/2/1860-1/2/1930) and CHEROKEE Indian descendant Ugenia PORTER (12/1/1857 in Union County-7/3/1921) and of Wade DAVIS and Laura Ann DIXON (1873-1947); was the GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of Thomas Alexander MARTIN (2/26/1831-12/30/1882) and Permela L. RAMSEY (4/8/1833 near Cherokee Falls, Cherokee Co.-2/14/1912) AND OF James Tillet PORTER (1791 - 1893) and Margaret VINCENT (1828 - 1892) (both buried at the Nazareth Baptist Church in Cherokee Co, SC, about 2 miles from the 99 Island Damn on the Broad River, near Blacksburg, SC), AND OF John David DIXON (1842-1920) and Martha Ann MOSS, 2nd wife (1st was Nancy J. SHEPPARD, and 3rd was Louisa FOWLER, 1862-1903) and was the GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of silversmith and land surveyor Morgan MARTIN (3/7/1784 in York Co.-6/1/1875) and Jane RAMSEY (7/16/1798 in York Co. - 10/9/1871, daughter of Harvey RAMSEY and Pinckney JOHNSON) AND OF Billie David RAMSEY (born about 1790?, son of Harvey RAMSEY and Pinkney JOHNSON also, and secondly married to Mini LANEY) and Rebecca SCOVEL (born about 1807 in Holland), AND OF Henry DIXON and Dulcenie (6/10/1822-2/14/1904), who married Brumfield WALLACE (died 1897) 2nd time; AND OF Mrs. Pinky MOSS, and was the GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of (Hebrew?) Michael MARTIN (senior), (about 1762 in Germany- 1/7/1830) and Mornin MANNING (about 1762 - 10/8/1826), AND OF Mr. SCOVEL and Miss. FLANNIGAN, daughter of Mr. FLANNIGAN and Miss. WILLIAMS, AND OF William DIXON and Susanna HAMBRIGHT (lived near Grover, NC), and was the GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of "Colonel" Frederick HAMBRIGHT, senior (in Germany 5/17/1727 -3/9/1817, buried at Shiloh Presbyterian Cemetery near Grover, NC) and 2nd wife Mary DOVER (1/9/1762-5/5/1835 at Shiloh), married 7/17/1781, who had eight children (Frederick married first wife Sarah HARDIN [dead by 1780] from Virginia about 1755; 6 of her 12 children died infants).

"The Colonel Frederick Hambright Family", a genealogy copyrighted in 1969 by Bonnie MAUNEY (born 1/26/1897 and married a SUMMERS), claims Bonnie's great great great grandfather Col. Frederick Hambright may be a SON OF Hans Conrad HAMBRECHT (born at Neunstetten, Buchen-Baden, Germany 12/20/1688), and GRANDSON of Hans Wilhelm HAMPRECHT (at Neunstetten, 3/20/1657-2/3/1727) and Anna Barbara STREANER (1659-1753), and GREAT GRANDSON of Hans Wilhelm? HAMPRECHT and Margaretha of Neunstetten (WS: Streaner may be an English name, or an americanized spelling of Strener; Hambrecht is German, but Hamprecht may not be). Col. HAMBRIGHT was 11 years old on 10/27/1738 when the Ship "St. Andrew" arrived in Philadelphia, PA. with Palatine (now part of Barvaria) passengers. Tradition says Hambrights were Prussians and several were career soldiers. Frederick fought Cherokee Indians, etc. and was awarded the sword displayed in the Kings Mountain National Military Park Museum after his troops defeated Major Patrick Ferguson at the Battle of Kings Mountain (in NC near SC line) on 10/7/1780, during the Revolutionary War. Frederick was the only ancestor of WS whom WS knows owned a Nègre, and died with 5 slaves: a man, girl and 3 boys.

Bea Stewart said her grandfather John Martin was nicknamed "Cracker", ran a grits mill and could jump up in the air and click his heals together three times before landing.


The following is from WS's research, interviews, reading, opinions, hunches, conclusions, etc. WS does not claim to be infallible, and recommends that others do their own research.

When WS asked Maggie Smith of Longtown, Fairfield County, SC (Joe B. Stewart's sister) where her Stewart ancestors came from, she answered "I-land". WS asked Maggie "What island?", but she did not know. Cousin Harvey Baxter STEWART told WS that a Stewart family tradition is that the STEWART and WHITE families were friends and neighbors before they left Ireland. A book on this same WHITE family of Chester, SC claims Whites came from near Broughshane (in the Braid valley, the region of Northern Ireland most Scottish in speech and custom), County Antrim. The passenger list of the "Earl of Donegal" names James STUART, age 26, and Rose (WHITE?), age 22, amongst the children of John WHITE. They sailed from Belfast on 10/2/1767 and arrived in Charleston, SC on December 22, 1767, where Protestants (SC has few Catholics) received Bounty land grants from King George III: James and Rose STEWART received 150 acres (surrounded by vacant land) now owned by WS and his cousin Robert Storment BANKHEAD and located on Stover Creek on the Chester/Fairfield County line (See Chester Deeds 459-267), an area still inhabited mostly by Scotch-Irish Protestants. James was a soldier of the Revolution in the SC State Militia, for which service James' wife Rose (Rosannah?) received James' pension after James died, at age 90 on 10/2/1829, according to his Scottish style tombstone in the old "Stewart" or "McDonald" cemetery, located a few hundred feet from Stover Creek in woods now or formerly owned by Edward H. MILLS of Whiteoak (See Fairfield Deeds EN-125). Some of the children of James (senior) and Rose STEWART (died 5/31/1832?) were Jane (1774-July 1852) who married a MARION, James (junior), Joseph (died 1835), and Robert "Robin" (1784-1865?). Some sons of Robert "Robin" STEWART and Jane BANKHEAD (1784-?) were Joseph (11/4/1809-4/4/1900), Samuel Hugh (senior) born 1813 (his descendants still live in the area, near Great Falls, SC), John Marion (5/27/1820-10/15/1902) and Thomas B. STEWART (1827-Feb. 1910).

Jane's father James BANKHEAD (1748-1821) sailed from Belfast 10/21/1767. He may not be the same James Bankhead who is listed on a stone monument to Revolutionary soldiers at Catholic PRESBYTERIAN Church (established about 1770 and located in Chester County a few miles north of STEWART family plantations in Fairfield). Many Stewarts and kin are mentioned in its earliest records and are buried in its cemetery. The "Catholic" name of this church means not Roman Catholic, but "universal" because various branches of the Presbyterian religion were included. Stewart kin are buried at Hebron Presbyterian Church, a mile east of the Stewart royal land grant. The last STEWARTs to live in this area were two bachelors, Will and Jim STEWART, whom cousin Robert S. BANKHEAD remembered "loved their fish and liquor", and drove their wagon to Blackstock for supplies. They were descendants of John Marion STEWART (5/27/1820-10/15/1902) and Catherine Reid, daughter of Frank REID who was shanghaied in England and escaped by jumping overboard into the Charleston harbor; the rounded half-quart-sized green water bottle Frank drank from on board the ship was shown to WS by Frank's descendant Rosa McELDUFF (3/5/1890 - 10/4/1975), wife of Francis Ben McElduff, who said she was named after both her grandmother and her grandmother's grandmother. Rosa McELDUFF's grandmother was Rosanna STEWART, the daughter of John Marion STEWART (see the 1870 census of Fairfield County, SC), whose grandmother was Rose, the wife of James STEWART (senior).

Frank STEWART left the Stover area about 1900 to settle in Corsicana, Texas. A large branch of our STEWART family still lives there. Maco and Waco STEWART owned a large General Motors car dealership there.

When Thomas B. STEWART and two of his sons left to fight the Federal armies that were threatening their families and property, Tom's son James E. STEWART "Big Jim" was not allowed to enlist because of his age, so Jim followed his pa and brothers on the road. It took two days for Jim's family to catch up with Jim to bring Jim back. Jim shot at Sherman's maurauding Federal troops who travelled up the main highway north (now Highway 901) from Columbia past the Stewart plantations on Stover Creek (on the Chester and Fairfield County line); I was told the Yankee horsemen who chased Jim down let Jim live because of Jim's youth (about 17 years old).

In 1877, Thomas B. (Bankhead?) STEWART and family moved from Stover Creek to Longtown in Fairfield County. They wagoned about 20 miles to Aimwell Presbyterian Church until, on corners of their plantations, Tom and a neighbor built the beautiful Longtown Presbyterian Church, which also contains many records of the STEWART family. Tom and Sarah are buried in graves unmarked except by an iron Confederate Veteran marker in the closest row to the church, midway along the west side. A monument (erected beside the SC State House) to those in the Palmetto Regiment who died in the 1847 War with Mexico names Sarah's brother, David NOLAND. WS has a big granite millstone Tom used to grind corn, found on Tom's plantation in Longtown. Tom had many children, William, Tom, Joe, James E. (Big Jim), etc.

Some Longtown Nègroes WS asked about STEWARTs said Big Jim could lift with one hand a 200 pound sack of fertilizer and set it on a wagon. Both Longtown racial communities venerated the Stewarts. Jim was father of eight: Maggie, Ida, Eunice, Joseph Beverly, Jim, John, Herbert, and Tom Martin.

Thomas Martin Stewart had only two children, both illegitimate mulattos named Robinson, who were outstanding students. Herbert Stewart had several children, all illegitmate mulattos named Belton. They lived near Longtown, and were a family "secret". In South Carolina, miscegenation is illegal. WS knows of no other Stewart relatives who have Nègro genes.

Joseph Beverly STEWART (born 5/18/1878 in Longtown, Fairfield County, SC - died 3/18/1947) is buried near other kin at Antioch Methodist Church (a mile west of his son WJ Stewart's 230+ acre farm in Feasterville, Fairfield County). "Joe" was the son of James E. STEWART (1848-9/10/1918) and Mattie MARTIN (1852-1920); was the grandson of Confederate soldier Thomas B. STEWART (1827-Feb/1910) and "Sally" Sarah Ann NOLAND (1828-?) AND OF "Captain" James C. MARTIN (11/21/20-12/10/1893) and Martha; was the GREAT GRANDSON of Robert "Robin" STEWART (1784-1865?) and Jane BANKHEAD (1784-?); was the GREAT GREAT GRANDSON of Revolutionary War militiaman James STEWART (senior) (1741-10/2/1829) and Rose (1745-5/31/1832?) AND OF James BANKHEAD (1748-Jan/1801) and Mary HATFIELD, daughter of William HATFIELD (died Jan/1801?). Joe was a farmer and known throughout Fairfield as "Captain" of the "Chain Gang" prisoners he used to build county roads. WS was told Joe might have been murdered had he not seen the shadow of, and caught with his hand, the pick being aimed at him from behind by a Nègre prisoner, whom Joe whipped to death after work later that day. Joe became overweight; as a result of diabetes, Joe's leg was amputated at the knee, so he wore a wooden peg (later one with a joint).

Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR (4/21/1891-9/21/1980) married Joseph Beverly STEWART (and in her old age, John STEVENSON); was the daughter of Confederate soldier William Henry TRAYLOR (6/15/1847 - 4/25/1920) and Alice WIX (5/1/1861-11/18/1939); was the GRANDDAUGHTER of William E. TRAYLOR and Nancy B. LYLES (6/13/1812 in Fairfield -5/20/1895 buried at Beaver Creek Baptist Church in Fairfield) AND OF Confederate soldier William Riley WIX (11/4/1830 in Chester Co.-2/5/1906) and Mary A. EDGE (6/27/1840 in Union Co.- 10/18/1902). Robert CARTER first married William Henry TRAYLOR's sister Mary and later his widow Alice WIX Traylor. Carrie was gentle, kind and proudly claimed descent from "Manus" LYLES (Arromanus LYLES is said to be the first non-Indian born in Fairfield Co., where the LYLES have been socially prominent). Carrie's uncle Thomas Woodward TRAYLOR came back from the Civil War penniless, declared he would own a big mansion with columns like one he saw, and is said to have become the largest landowner in Fairfield Co. (was he named after or related to Thomas WOODWARD, the Fairfield County "Regulator" who helped make the up-country more secure by establishing a system of justice where the state of South Carolina had not, because the only courts were far away in Charleston?)

The following indented information was handed to me on a silver platter, and I can not vouch for any ot it:

On 12 December 1998 about thity years after I wrote the above information, a descendant of Millie Lyles emailed me the following "Nancy B. Lyles is listed on page 6 of a Lyles genealogy dated May 1991 which was in the Genealogy Room in Winnsboro. She is listed as a daughter of Arromanus Lyles II and his wife Mary Woodward. Nancy married William E. Traylor."

Tthis email message confirms what Carrie Lyles Traylor told me. Documents I researched confirmed what Cousin Harvey Baxter Stewart told me about the Stewart's relationship with the White family before they arrived in America. What Rosa McElduff told me about Rosannah Stewart confirmed and verified my interpretation of deeds, etc. All are examples of the value, reliability and usefulness of information verbally passed from one generation to the next, despite our tendancy to shrug off unverifiable hersay and undocumeted accounts.

On 12/16/98 I was also told that the home of Arromanus II "Ivey Hall" has been restored, that.a daughter of Aromanus II married John Tharp who made the 1820 Mills Map for Fairfield, and that a Mrs. Sharon Avery works on Lyles genealogy. Ephrain's son Rev. War Colonel Arromanus Lyles, said to have been the 1st white born in Fairfield County, married Miss Valentine and had 6 sons and one daughter: Epphraim, John, Valentine, James, Aromanus, Thomas, Rebecca. In 1810 Mary Ann Collins Woodard married Major Thomas Lyles.(ancestor of Pelham and John Collins). Mary Ann Collins Woodward was the first Cousin of Mary Woodward, the mother of Nancy B. Lyles.

On 12/16/98 I was also told that Mrs. Avery agrees that Nancy B. (Barrett?) Lyles was the daughter of Arromanus Lyles II and Mary Woodward. Mary Woodward was the daughter of Reverend William Woodward and possibly a BARRETT.

Arromanus II may have been the son of Rev. War Colonel Arramanus Lyles, or the son of William Lyles, who ran a ferry at Ashford Ferry (Lyles Ferry?).

William E. Traylor and his wife Nancy B. Lyles moved to Mississippi. William E. Traylor died in Mississippi. After the Civil War Nancy B. Lyles.moved back to Fairfield with her children and built a small home across Highway #215 from the Boarding House in Feasterville, where it still stands today. Her son Thomas Woodward Traylor became a SC state Senator and built a mansion in White Oak in Fairfield County in the 1890's, and also lived in Winnsboro, SC.

A librarian in the Richland County Public Library.Local History Room told me that Belton E. Lyles and John Woodward Lyles were named as Confederate veterans in a 1910 Winnsboro Newspaper according to page 6 of "Farifield Family Histories" (Faifield County Publishers in Clinton, SC) #929.3FAI.

Joseph B. Stewart and Carrie had 8 children: Joseph Teems (10/23/10-1987); William James (1/21/13); Gertrude Olivia (11/7/15); Alice (12/2/19); Nannie Lee (1/12/23); Julien (7/30/26-8/8/1975); Charlie Mack (11/5/29); and Olin Fay (9/19/34).
A. Joseph Teems (Oct 23, 1910-1987) farmed, made whiskey, logged pulpwood and had grandchildren by Horace (military career and father of Carrol Ann), and Robert Carl (father of Steven and Chrisie and knifed to death at home by an unknown intruder).
B. William James (WJ, Brother or Shine) was born 1/21/1913, married Beatrice Rose MARTIN on 11/13/1938, and had three sons: a} William Hamilton (8:30 AM on 12/21/??); b} James Beverly (childless) and c} Wayne Martin, a dentist who fathered at least four children by his Mormon 2nd wife, a FINNEY.
C. Gertrude Olivia (11/7/1915) married a GOODLET and has children Hazel, James Edward, Patricia, and James Bryan (who died one year old), and grandchildren.
D. Alice (12/2/1919) married a STEVENS and has a} Martha Ann, who married Eugene JACKSON and has Mary Avalon, Tammy, Elizabeth, Victor Eugene (father of Victor Eugene, Junior), Lisa Marie, and Rhonda Lynn, and b} Alice Theresa, who married Wayne GORMAN and has Mark Steven and Michael Steven.
E. Nannie Lee (1/12/1923) married Cecil GOODMAN and has Harold, and then married Harry DARBY and has a son Terry and daughter Karen.
F. Julian (7/30/26-8/8/1975) had Larry, Donnie and Kathy.
G. Charlie Mack (11/5/1929) has Mack, David, and Paul, and grandchildren; and
H. Olin Fay (9/19/1934) has one daughter (in California).


If so many of our ancestors have for so many generations so stibbornly, irrationally and defiantly professed to believe in the infallibility of varying and inconsistent versions of the racist and genocidal (Deuteronmy 7) scriptures of predatory aliens which report incredible events that occured centuries before being written about (even though a written language had always been available), why is it so difficult for me to believe sensible but undocumented hearsay about my own family history, or the "legends" and "mythology" of our mostly Germanic and Celtic (Indo-Hittite or Aryan) pre-Christian ancestors, with the same blind zeal?

A courthouse fire in Belfast destroyed (family?) records before Ireland was divided into 2 states in 1922.

Some Stewarts descend (Harvey Baxter Stewart said family tradition and a book he read claimed the Stewart family above does) from knight Flaad (or Flahault), the Seneschal (the English equivalent of the old French word seneschal is steward) of Dol, a very ancient and beautiful town in Brittany (part of France since 1491) to which the Bretons (Keltic Aryans) fled when Anglo-Saxons (German Aryans) conquered England after Roman rule collapsed in the 5th century A.D.

Flaad helped the Normands (Danish Vikings) conquer England in 1066, and Flaad's son Alan migrated to Norfolk, England. Scottish king David I (reigned 1124-1153) appointed Alan's younger son Walter (died 1177) hereditary high steward of Scotland. The first Stewart king of Scotland was Robert II (1316-1390), son of Scottish King Robert the Bruce's daughter.

The English had nearly exterminated the Irish (Catholics) in Northern Ireland before 1603, when King James I (Mary Stuart's son, after whom the "King James" translation of the Bible is named) became the first Stewart king of England. King James I settled Protestant Scots (now called "Scots-Irish") in Northern Ireland.

It has been claimed that Stewarts are descendants of King David of Israel, through the ancient kings of Scotland and Ireland, and Princess Tephi of the Davidic Royal House, who brought the Davidic line to Ireland from the Middle East in 583 BC.

Did Stewarts lose their throne due to religion (read Capt. A.H.M. Ramsay's "Nameless War")?

Anne, one of Queen Mary's great grandchildren, is an ancestor of the current monarchs of Great Britan.

Who would inherit the throne of Scotland if Scotland were to win its independance from England, and chose to have a Stewart king again?

Some people do not use the surname of their own ancestors (like James Stewart, the famous Hebrew? actor).

Where did the name "Stewart" come from?

The "Oxford English Dictionary" (1989) states that:

  1. Stigweard is the earliest known form of the word steward, from which came the name Stewart. The first syllable of the word "steward" may have meant "house". The second syllable of the word "stewart" meant "keeper" (as in "warden"). There is NO grounds for the assumption that stigweard originally meant 'keeper of the pig-sties'.
  2. Forms of the word "steward" are: stigweard, stiweard, stiward, stiwarde, styward(e, styeward, steiward, stuard(e, stwarde, stuerd(e, stuward(e, steuard, stewer(e)de, steward(e, steward, stewarte, stwart, stuart, steuart, and stewart.
  3. "the (Lord High) Steward of Scotland was the first officer of the Scottish King in early times; he had control of the royal household, great administrative powers, and the priviledge of leading the army into battle".

This Stewart family adopted as its surname the name of its work (steward), and later modified its name to Stewart.

When Mary Stewart, queen of Scotland, settled in France, she started spelling her name "Stuart", since the French alphabet had no "w".

Variations in the spelling of the name Stewart may not reveal much about kinship. Some people could neither read nor write, and spelling has not always been standardized.

Who are the Scotch-Irish?

"Scotch-Irish" means Scots of Ireland, not miscegenation. Scots prefer being called Scottish, not "Scotch" (whiskey).

Scots are one of 2 major ethnic groups in Ireland. The North Ireland majority is Scottish and Protestant (Presbyterian), and looks Germanic: tall, blond with fair skin to which blood adds tint. I have read that genetically Scots are about a third Viking (Germanic Aryan), a third Keltic Aryan, and the remainder Pict (a race that occupied Britain before the arrival of Aryans [Indo-Hittites] in the British Isles?).

Catholic Irish seem more oriented toward life's pleasures, and less industrious, energetic, commanding, and mission-oriented (few non-Aryan Europeans are Protestant).

People in Dublin, where English (Germanic Aryan) imperialists settled, often have unusual reddish hair and skin (a common result of miscegenation between Aryans and non-Aryans)..

The beautiful race typical of the rest of Eire (the southern part of the island) has black hair, blue eyes, white (not pink) skin, and jutting noses, and may descend from a non-Aryan race that was in Ireland before Aryan (Indo-Hittite) farmers brought civilization into Europe from their Hamitic homelands (now dominated by Semites) in ancient Canaan (which Israelites claim to be their "Promised Land"), Egypt, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and other parts of the Fertile Crescent. Names like Noland and Flannigan are said to belong to this (non-Aryan?) Irish ethnic group, whose religion is Catholicism.

Would the ethnic diversity of Ireland have been as well preserved without healthy and sometimes bloody nationalism?

LOVE your kinfolk.

What does the CONFEDERATE FLAG symbolize?

The media monopoly is now demanding that the Confederate flag that honors SC veterans be removed from atop South Carolina's Statehouse on the grounds that it represents slavery and racial hatred.

Why does it not also object to the flag of the United States of America, which represented a government that sanctioned slavery over ten times longer than the Confederate States of America did?

Was ending slavery the purpose of the Federal government's invasion of the Confederate States of America?

If so, was it hypocritical for the Federal government not to have "freed" 500,000 slaves in non-Confederate states of the USA until years after its military conquest of the Confederacy?

Was the true cause of the Federal invasion of the Confederacy the same Federal Imperialism and minority special interests that continue to revolt the majority of its citizens today?

Did Southerners who had to compete with low-cost slave labor feel as threatened by slavery then as many are today by the 1000% higher crime rates of federal government-supported Negroes being born and immigrating into their neighborhoods (the cause of massive "white flight")?

Many citizens of Confederate states hated slavery even more than their northern cousins, and for that reason emigrated from states that allowed slavery.

Only a small percentage of non-Jewish citizens of Confederate states owned slaves.

Does the mulatto population of the USA have more slave-owner ancestors than the non-mulattos it is demanding reparations, welfare, "affirmative" action, and other priviledges, etc. from?

Race did not determine who was a slave or slave-owner in the United States of America or in the Conferderacy. Negro and Indian slaves were owned bv Negroes and Indians who were not slaves.

Please send comments to the author if you want to help improve (or wish any information removed from) this document.

If you try to trace one of the families above a generation further back you may understand how difficult, irreplaceable and costly this knowledge and research is, so why lose it? Add what information you can while you can so it too can be passed on to future generations who may want to know.

Much of the genealogy above was recorded in Fairfield County Deeds EN on page 125; in Richland County Deeds 733 on page 745, and in Richland County Mortgages 1076 on page 590.

Benefit future generations by storing relevant, true and useful facts about your own family safely and cheaply for centuries by recording it with your deeds, wills, etc., wherever you live.

COPYRIGHT 1995 by Stewart. This genealogy was first published in 1995, and first posted on Internet on April 11, 1996. Copying this document even once, or excerpts thereof, requires the permission of the author. Please direct others to URL

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