Alright... I s'pose you need to know a little about the Mun.. Aka
the real life person who's taking the time to create a little
homepage to immortalize herself *grin*. My name is Julie, but those
on IRC, which I frequent often, tend to call me Jules. I like
pizza, chinease, warm walks on the beach (NOT! Just HAD to do it),
Chocolate (hey who doesn't!).. ummm since this list could go on
for hours on end I'll just say what I Don't like! VEGITABLES! The BANE
of humankinds existance. *ick!*
Yes.. Jules has found a page! And on this page she'll bore you to absolute DEATH with poetry and Pcs! But first.. let us pause. Let us have an ODE to weenie!
ooooooh I wish I was an OSCAR MEYER WEEEENIE! A weenie's what I
really want to BE! And if I was an OSCAR MEYER WEEEEEENIE!
For the Anime Illiterate anime is Japanese animation! And it ROCKS!
My Favorite anime must be: Vampire Hunter D, Ranma 1/2, and Tenchi
Miyu! (Gotta love Ryo-oh-ki and Washuu!)
If you wish to see sample anime pics, go to my character page,
in there reside various coool anime faces which I thought best
reprisented my characters which I Roleplay on IRC.
And for WAY better sites than this go to....
Coolness sites ya HAVE to see!
Another of Mine!
The ROYAL Church!
The Anime Web Turnpike!
RedFang Page!
The End. Mail me if you have anything pressing.. Errors are NOT allowed. :P And if you just wanna kill me? Heheheh Get in line! :) And you're number...:
© 1996