Welcome.. come on in.. =)

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Wow. It's been quite a while since I've worked on this with any kind of real devotion. I think I'm trying harder to keep it updated, because it's so frustrating to visit someone's page and see nothing new. ;) At any rate, the layout is the same, just use the cute buttons to your left, or the links below. And as always, let me know what you think, either by signing my guestbook or by emailing me. =) -C.

Ok, here's the deal::
     -SuPeRfiCiaL tHinGs- (pictures n stuff) are here.. (new pics added Mid-March, 2000, and more are coming soon.)
     -FriEndS- stuff is here..
     -ElItE FriEnDs- are hidden here..
     -WrItiNgS- are in here..
     -LiNkS- (talkers info, bands, pagan/wiccan info, and just general stuff) are here now.

So, there you have it - Take a look around! =) Someday, i'll stop tinkering with this and just be happy with it, but until then, you'll have to deal with this ;)

Just 'cause you're so incredibly special, you have my personal permission to email me at the following addresses::

st0rmie@hotmail.com carla@midnightrealm.org

there have been victims here since: 23 August, 1996..(wow!)

The Last Modifications Were Performed on 2 April, 2000 by C.

Scribble In My Guestbook.. Flip Through My Guestbook..


to those of you who claim to care about and
understand me.. And I know that a few of you actually do, too.
My favourites: A Lion, the Mystical Fyre, a Ronin Wolf, a
Magician or Two, the Thunder, a Healer, a Goth, my Fallen
Angels, an Elemental, a little Rat, my Dragons, my Immortal, and that
everpresent KnyghtOwl...
[wow! what a combination!]
I love you guys. -carla-

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