1. Genealogisch nieuws/genealogical news:
2. Alblasserwaard Genealogie Page
3. Inhoudsopgaves van/contents of Gens Nostra, the magazine of the Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging:
4. Inhoudsopgaves van/contents of Genealogisch Tijdschrift voor Midden- en West-Noord-Brabant en de Bommelerwaard:
For a list of Dutch archives click here.
For a list of Belgian archives click here.
For research in the former Dutch East Indies click here.
International links:
Other links to genealogical societies concerning Holland and Belgium:
Some databases
Some telephonebooks:
Some Dutch/Belgian searchengines/Nederlandse en Belgische zoekmachines
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About myself
My name is Arie Jan Stasse.
I am researching since 1979 my ancestors. Most of them lived in the Alblasserwaard, Land van Heusden en Altena and the Langstraat.
I "collect" all inhabitants of the villages of Hardinxveld-Giessendam,Giessen-Nieuwkerk and Schelluinen (all before 1705) and all Maasschippers (bargemen of the river Meuse) before 1700.
Click here to contact me (Remove the spaces).
Last update: March 26th, 2009.