Arie Jan Stasse's Home Page

1. Genealogisch nieuws/genealogical news:

2. Alblasserwaard Genealogie Page

3. Inhoudsopgaves van/contents of Gens Nostra, the magazine of the Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging:

4. Inhoudsopgaves van/contents of Genealogisch Tijdschrift voor Midden- en West-Noord-Brabant en de Bommelerwaard:

5. Inhoudsopgaves van/contents of De Brabantse Leeuw:

For good links to Dutch and Belgian genealogy and archives see:


For a list of Dutch archives click here.
For a list of Belgian archives click here.
For research in the former Dutch East Indies click here.

  • Toegang op personen

    International links:

    Other links to (contents of) genealogical magazines (worldwide):

    Other links to genealogical societies concerning Holland and Belgium:

    Some databases

    Some telephonebooks:

    Some Dutch/Belgian searchengines/Nederlandse en Belgische zoekmachines

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    About myself

    My name is Arie Jan Stasse.
    I am researching since 1979 my ancestors. Most of them lived in the Alblasserwaard, Land van Heusden en Altena and the Langstraat.
    I "collect" all inhabitants of the villages of Hardinxveld-Giessendam,Giessen-Nieuwkerk and Schelluinen (all before 1705) and all Maasschippers (bargemen of the river Meuse) before 1700. Click here to contact me (Remove the spaces).

    (statistics of this page)

    Last update: March 26th, 2009.


    Links to other sites on the Web

    Genealogies Stasse and Hoffen
    Alblasserwaard and Land van Arkel indexes and genealogies
    Genealogie Nieuwkoop (Wijk)
    Oddens' bookmarks (maps, geographical names, etc.)
    Dutch postcodebook
    Dutch yellow pages
    Gens Dunia

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