
Welcome to the world of the Bine (pronounced bean), an eclectic mix of things of which I am fond, one of which is obviously Calvin & Hobbes (I'm quite Calvinesque in spirit , although not in appearance). Come in and enjoy. All I ask is that you try not to drool!

What's on this page?

About me/answer my personality survey
What is a bine?
Dessert -- Bine recipe of the month
Yahoo search form-- for your convenience, but please don't use it until you've seen all there is to see here!
Line Around the World-- links to other bine sites; you can add your site to the line too!

A bit about myself:

I am currently a banker living in upstate New York who also happens to be a C.P.A. (a long story, more like a nightmare; please don't ask!). Actually I had been working as a bean counter (how appropriate) for four and a half years; I've just been so tied up with taxes that I haven't had the time or motivation to update this page until now. I am also an ISTJ. What personality type are you? Use the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and find out, then let me know (if there are enough responses, I'll post them here).

I will be taking the CPA exam in November 1998; three parts down and one more to go -- care to guess which one? Any others out there in a similar position?

What, you may ask, is a bine?

Well, it's another long story having to do with a drug (nothing illicit, mind you) and the word "yo." Need I say more? Bine is actually short for yohimbine, an alkaloid derived from the bark of Corynanthe yohimbi. While its primary use is as a short-term alpha blocker, it is also said to enhance virility, a point which is lost on me since I happen to be of the female persuasion. I became associated with this wonderful drug while attending dental school, and the name has stuck ever since. The word "bine" can also be used as an adjective synonymous with "cool" or "neat," as in "Netscape is a really bine browser."

By the way, this site is best viewed with Netscape Navigator, so Download

Some of my interests


I love going to museums. My favorite style is surrealism, and my favorite artist is Giorgio de Chirico, originator of metaphysical painting. Whenever I'm in New York, I always try to visit the Museum of Modern Art. It has a really bine de Chirico collection, as well as Van Gogh's The Starry Night (above).
For those of you without access to a real museum, take a look at The Bine Art Gallery. Click on the door to enter.


I began running two years ago while in dental school. My first race was the Advil Mini Marathon, sponsored by the New York Road Runners Club. I hope to one day run in the New York City Marathon. If I can do it, so can you! For now I content myself with the occasional hometown 5K. Check New Balance Cardio Central to find a race near you.

I don't dance myself, but I love to watch. Here is Dance Class at the Opera by Degas so you can "watch" too!

The New York City Ballet is my favorite company.

Business and investing
My investment philosophy is: if I like the company's product, I buy the stock. This has worked so far (i.e., I haven't lost any money, at least in stocks. Now education, that's another story...). Unfortunately, all of the stocks I want to buy are too high, and the ones I want to sell are too low. To see how your stocks are doing, visit the Wall Street Research Net.


I've been to Europe, Asia, and several regions in the good old U.S.A. Coming soon: my summer travels. For now, click on the map to explore my hometown.


Lemon tart, napoleon, apple crisp, tiramisu, etc., etc... I can never get enough! Check out Kerry's Restaurant World to find out where you can get some of these scrumptious goodies.

For those of you who want to try your own hand at being a pastry chef, click here for the Bine Recipe of the Month (personally tested by yours truly, thus earning the bine seal of approval for ease of preparation and excellent gustatory qualities, i.e., it's easy to make, and it tastes good too!!).

They're so cute! Just like men in tuxedos, which I also admire. For more penguin pics, plus all you would ever want to know about these denizens of the Southern hemisphere, go to The Penguin Page.

Thanks for being visitor number to my lair.

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