Specializing in latex and latex related products
Welcome to my home page. I've named it after the fictitious company on TV's Seinfeld. If you like Seinfeld like I do,
here's a link to a decent Seinfeld related web site. About me
I'm a 33 year old guy living in Mclean, Virginia. I make my living setting up trading room information systems for Reuters, the huge British news agency. In a nutshell, I install and support real-time computer systems which provide securities traders with live quotes (like for stocks and bonds). I've learned a little about personal investing, myself. Here are a couple tips.
I love living just outside the capital city of Washington, DC because of all the interesting cultural and historical sites and activities. My family lives in the DC/metro area too so I'm able to stop by for a visit and a free meal quite a bit.
DC has a good number of movie theaters and almost every weekend I find a way to take in a quality film. Here are some of my all-time favorites.
My Friends
A couple of my friends have their own web pages:
Doug and Bobbie love Siberian Huskies
Dr. Bob Scharff is a world-renowned economist at the FDA
I've got some pictures here showing some of my friends and I in action.
Favorite Links
Check out some of my favorite links below:
What I've been up to
In June and July, I got a chance to visit New York City a few times for training. I was able to take in a few great Broadway shows including ART, The Weir, Wit and Over the River and Through the Woods. I ran into Jason Alexander, the actor who plays George on Seinfeld, outside one theater. That was a big thrill -- maybe even bigger than sitting behind Sandra Bullock on the flight up there! The Big Apple never lets me down!
In July, a friend and I took a trip down to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC as well as the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Here's a link to some pictures I took there.
In September, I'll be spending a week's vacation out at Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland. I hope to do some hiking and maybe some golf and horseback riding.
If you want to send me an e-mail, you can find me
here.You are visitor since September 4, 1999.
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