Welcome from Brighten

Glad you stopped by, come in and relax. This is a place to just contemplate and be free from all the stress of the day. Brighten will do her best to make this an easy place to visit and remember.

Brighten is an old fashioned girl. A girl that still believes in the niceities of life. She likes 'good manners', a man to open doors for her. She likes quiet times with good friends sharing a cup of tea or coffee. She likes good music, poetry, children, animals, nature and anything to do with love and caring.

Come sit with me and have a warm cup of tea,
we shall share the quiet in our reverie
Of daydreams and desires to each we shall inspire.
-© Brighten

Dark as my path may seem to others,
I carry a magic light in my heart.
Faith illuminates the way.
Although doubts lurk in the shadow,
I walk unafraid toward the Enchanted
Wood where the foliage is always green;
Where joy abides; and where life and
Death are one in the presence of the Lord

Helen Keller

Brighten's Musings

Brighten's Poetry Page

Brighten's Webrings Page
The Garden - Poetry Webring - Softerside Ring - Sisterhood - The Poetry Haven - Original Writing Webring - Footsteps Poetry Anthology - The Digital Words Web Ring -

Brighten's Links Page to Information including Pengy - Brighten's Treasures

A special memorial to Brighten's precious Pekinese

Brighten's Awards Page

"Brighten" the Corner Where You Are

We cannot all be famous or be listed in "Who's Who,"
But every person, great or small, has important work to do,

For seldom do we realize the importance of small deeds
Or to what degree of greatness unnoticed kindness leads.

For it's not the big celebrity in a world of fame and praise,
But it's doing unpretentiously in undistinguished way.

The work that God assigned to us, unimportant as it seems,
That makes our task outstanding and brings reality to dreams.

So do not sit and idly wish for wider, new dimensions
where you can put in practice your many good intentions.

But at the spot God placed you begin at once to do
Little things to brighten up the lives surrounding you.

If everybody brightened up the spot where they're standing
By being more considerate and a little less demanding,

This dark old world would very soon eclipse the evening star
If everybody brightened up the corner where they are!

- By Helen Steiner Rice

(This poem is where my nickname 'Brighten' originated.
My mother used to tell me to Brighten my corners! (smile)

Brighten would love to hear from you - if you would like to leave a message please use her email...due to some problems with the guest book I have had to delete it.
Just click on the email address.
Thank You.
© 1996 brightenk@excite.com

This page last updated November 27, 2007