[ Entrance | References | EBOLA | LEON | Poetry ]

( LEON )
"I like these calm little moments before the storm..."


Please note that very few parts are in English. Main parts are in French. To find everywhere those in english, just do a research with the keyword [ENGLISH]. New parts in English:
-my personal comments
-the FAQ
-the music
-open letter
-leon long version (2 documents)

Please note also that all translations (if otherwise not stated) were made by us, and that we welcome all critics and help to offer a better English translation !

The Professional's original name is LEON.
Then, from now on, we will always refer this movie by its true name : LEON.

About the movie LEON, we offer you :

Note :
Comment tells you there is a personnal commentary (by P.Mevzek) in relationship with the adjacent text.
Lien tells you there is another document in relationship with the present document (or piece of)

"It's like a piece of my life and it's here, for life" (Jean Réno)


This Web Page was made by Cédric Gérot and Patrick Mevzek
( URL of this page = )