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[ Entrance | References | EBOLA | LEON | Poetry | The Worst ]


First of all ,
You don't need any Netscape 2.0 (or more) to view this page.
(Our policy for that point [in French] )

Approach, come closer, dare discover this strange world where it seems it is always night.
Here it is, you are passing through this lugubrious portal and you find already yourself in a place where a feast seems to go on. A procession is progressing singing, heading in triumph Jack Skellington.
On the left, on the podium, the mayor of this city comments on the fair through a loud-speaker. He has two faces, one smiling, one weeping. A small round and bald man is bending upon a well. You are still coming closer, meeting sorceresses and vampires. Here, a cat with a half closed eye walks gracefully on a wall against which a young bran woman is leaning. A Frankenstein in a rolling chair is calling her, crying. You look up and see a house at the top of a tower.
Are you going there ?
You were hardly asking yourself this question that your look is already attracted by the gigantic moon behind this spit of land in a spiral appearing coming out earth...

Look your feet : you already have socks with black and white strips !

You're free to go ahead after this introduction.
You're free to be or not curious.

But if Netscape crash...don't be surprised !!
(Cf Murphy)

That was, in part, an homage to Tim Burton.

-Help, I have lost elephants, giraffes, in short many animals and especially monkeys, 12 of them !!
-And where did that lost take place ?
-Well in the past but I need them for the present.
No you won't understand that way, in the present but I need them for the future!!!

We want our page to be a collection of texts which allow at the same time reflexion and links to other documents.
Thus you can find the Best of the Worst of the Web , some poetry [in French], some homages for example for the movie LEON (The Professional) [in French, except this introduction], some quotes about various subjects [in French], some killer viruses like EBOLA , and a library of texts and articles [in French].

As you've probably already noticed, English is not our primary language, thus we make mistakes, and we aren't able to translate all of our French texts into English (due to lack of time and efficiency).
You'll probably need a good French speaking friend to take benefits of our pages, although we'll try to translate most of the things.

HELP You can always use this light , to have access with a graphic (a 10 Ko reactive image) at these subjects [in French].

Have a nice navigation here or elsewhere in the Web !!!

EXCLAMATION SORRY, some sections are still under construction !!!
(And our page will be under construction forever [in French])

Go to the Paris Geocities

This Web Page was made by Cédric Gérot and Patrick Mevzek with principally HTML WRITER for PC by Kris Nosack, and...

We will be happy to receive all your comments , your suggestions , your add-ons .
Don't be shy !!!

All reproductions (in part or in whole) of those pages is TOTALLY encouraged, provided that you mention our names, and you create, if possible, a link to our site.
(Contact-us then, you'll made 2 persons happy !!)

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