About Me
Beatles Page
Picture Album
Old Book
Thanks Mike! =)

visitors since 11/97

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Thanks Trenkie!


8 May 2001 - Studying still sucks. I added three pictures of my beautiful view of Fenway Park.

7 May 2001 - Studying sucks. Have a musing.

15 April 2001 - Happy Easter! I'm so sick it's not even funny, but I wrote another rambling for your reading entertainment.

17 March 2001 - I got rid of those awful awful frames, so now you're not trapped in my page forever! Bwahahahahahaha ;)

2 February 2001 - It's been a long time huh? ;) Well the guestbook is broken again so here's a new one.

18 October 2000 - Added a new Wrestling Rambling
OUR DORM ROOM IS HAUNTED!!!!!!! My roommate is starting a webpage dedicated to our ghost

22 September 2000 - I KNOW WHO RAN OVER STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN LAST NOVEMBER!!! (well, I was wrong...but..)Read my theory here

16 September 2000 - Back at school and bored, so I added new stuff to the poetry section, humor section and wrestling ramblings sections. Digital camera finally arrived, so pictures are soon to come!

12 August 2000 - GeoCities *finally* let me update, so I added pictures from the WWF house show on the wrestling page and a picture of my hair from when I got it done on vacation on the snapshots page.

4 June 2000 - Got a digital camera for my birthday, so I took some pictures. Wanna see? They're in the Photo Album.

27 May 2000 - Added a new Wrestling Rambling and Musing as I approach twenty.

18 April 2000 - Uploaded new pictures to the Scrapbook.

29 March 2000 - Updated my personal info and added 3 new things to the humor section.

28 February 2000 - Added 9 pictures (7 Matt Hardy, 2 Jeff Hardy) to the wrestling page.

24 February 2000 - Added 3 pictures to the Photo Album, two of my brother and one old one of me.

12 January 2000 - Happy New Year! Hope you had a good one. Read my thoughts on Y2K.

20 December 1999 -Newly added commentary section on wrestling section of the page, Random Ramblings. Also starting to put up Musings, some random (nonwrestling) thoughts.

19 November 1999 - After getting some pictures on a floppy disk, I added a Photo Album to the page. Also added a new poem, Changing The Locks written by me.

28 October 1999 - Like the new graphic at the top of the page? This wicked awesome guy named Mike made it for me. He picks good restaurants too ;-)

30 August 1999 - Problems with my Geobook forced me to delete it. Old entries can be found at Geobook2. Frames also added to page.

12 June 1999 - moved my Beatles' page to a new address to free up some space on this page.

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last updated 8 May 2001
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