Artsyguy's Home Page
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

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List of Friends
Search here
A to Z definition
My Fav. Links
Pictures of me

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You are visitor number

August 11, 1996

Heres your chance
to prove that
You were here
And here's where
you see
Who's been here

Guestbook by Lpage

Last Modified
Sept 19, 1996

Hello Loyal Friends

Welcome to my site

Hello!!! Friends, Please bear with me while I am constructing my page
I added music to my pages.... so if you dont hear it...
either turn on your Speakers, or find out why your MIDI
is not working on your soundcard...
I also found out the hard way, that the
Music also doesnt work with netscape...YET
BUt I am working on it...
I have added a second page, maybe even a third
on this second Page you will find
an A to Z Definition of what I am
there is a hyperlink in the list below
that you can click on to go to that list
My Stepdad is still very supportive of me
Smile it is good for you ;-]
As soon as I get FTP procedures figured out
I plan to be adding backgrounds,
or a pattern to the page

Some new additions will include:


(if the has any text
that is underlined after it,it is clickable ;-])
Just thought I would let you know...

Project 6DS Will be here soon, Come see it soon

An A to Z Definition of me

Here is the beginning of my list of Friends

a few Search engines to Find what you need

A page of Poetry liked by me and a friend...;-]

A page showing all of the Places I used to help me with my page

Maybe a picture or three:-](if I can figure out how to put one on here)
In other words, I did FIGURE IT OUT!!!

some of the pics I draw for use on wow

and the list keeps growing

If you have a cool homepage,
and would like to try to join,
Please click on the image above
It will take you where you need to go...

Well, as you can see, I am constructing my page
I know it needs work,
but I need to Study up on what to do
and how to do it
Please Mail any suggestions or comments to...
(no e-mail address yet, I need to set it up)
(my wow friends should know how to write me)
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