Welcome to Dellenbaugh Central, the beautiful Web home of Mark, Alison, Ryan, and Kyle Dellenbaugh. The Dellenbaughs live in Cedar Park, Texas, a suburb of Austin. Mark earned a master's degree in History in May of 1996 and a master's degree in Library and Information Science in December of 1997, both from The University of Texas at Austin, and has been working in user experience design since 1998. Alison (formerly Alison Black) has a degree in Radio-Television-Film from UT, was a technical writer at National Instruments until Ryan was born, and currently does some freelance writing. Ryan and Kyle keep busy in their roles as the most adorable children in the world.

Alison & Ryan in the Wienermobile

National Novel Writing Month 2002 Winner      

Write us anytime at everyone@dellenbaugh.com!

This page last updated 5/11/05. We can't vouch for all of the links at the moment, though. (Shockingly, we've had a site for more than 9 years now! We finally deleted the links page that hadn't been updated since 1997, but some of our other links may be ancient as well!)